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i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
Appears to be an advertisement

Douglas Adams
I presume this is from a US edition but do they really spell it as …



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Geekymedics - Auscultate the carotid artery
The presence of a bruit suggests underlying carotid stenosis, making palpation of the vessel potentially dangerous due to the risk of dislodging a carotid plaque and causing an ischaemic stroke. Place the diaphragm of your stethoscope between the larynx and the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle over the carotid pulse and ask the patient to take a deep breath and then hold it whilst you listen.

Friedrich Nietzsche - Nature and Truth, from On Truth and Lie ,1873
She threw away the key; and woe to the calamitous curiosity that might peer just once through the crack in consciousness and look down, and sense that man rests up on the merciless, the greedy, the insatiable, the murderous, in the indifference of his ignorance--hanging in dreams, as it were upon the back of a tiger. In view of this, whence in all the world comes the urge for truth?

T.J. Klune - The House in the Cerulean Sea
Hate is loud, but I think you'll learn it's because it's only a few people shouting, desperate to be heard. You might not ever be able to change their minds, but as long as you remember you're not alone, you will overcome.

Seanvv - The snow is dark
The snow is a vault of darkness and secrets. Why must the snow be so cold? Oh so cold, why so cold, you may never leave the darkness, and you will be condemned to the dark cold snow. While you may be thinking how this is possible, aren't you? Well, don't fret we will all falter into the darkness sooner or later. Tik tok your clock is ticking better make the most of the time that you have left.

Malcolm In the Middle - Graduation 7x22 - Lois
You know what it's like to be poor and you know what it's like to work hard, now you're gonna know what it's like to sweep floors and bust your ass and accomplish twice as much as all the kids around you, and it won't mean anything because they will still look down on you, and you will want so much for them to like you and they just won't and then it'll break your heart, and that'll make your heart bigger and open your eyes and finally you will realize that there's more to life.

David - Love Actually
It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.

Knowledge-by-XI - Lessons
I'm slowly learning that, even if I react, it won't change anything. It won't make people suddenly love me. It won't magically change their minds, and respect me. Letting it go may hurt, but holding on will only hurt worse.

Anon Mous - The Tragic Case of Mrs. Torey
It was a sad event, really. Mrs. Torey was an alright teacher who was bad at crowd control and taught one rowdy crowd that doesn't like teachers. For the most part the freshmen of that class were quiet but the sophomores and their freshmen friends were constantly yapping back and playing pranks on her. At the end she died from a stroke; most likely from the stress of having to teach assholes for most of her life, maybe from the stress that she was about to die of pneumonia.

by Staind - Outside
And you bring me to my knees, again. All the times that I could beg you please, in vain. All the times that I felt insecure, for you. And I leave my burdens at the door. But I'm on the outside, I'm looking in. I can see through you, see your true colors. Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me. I can see through you, see to the real you.

Peety boi - Typing at midnight
I sit here at midnight. Typing on my favorite website, as my fingers delicately press each key at the precise moment automatically without my brain fully comprehending the way it all works... The more that I think about it the worse I seem to type. The trick, I find is to just type and shut my brain off completely.

Terry Davis - Do you like the command line ?
The computers went wrong when you made them for niggers. That's when it went wrong. It's like how many people, it's like, "Ugh it's a command line.." Ah, fuck you man. White people don't mind it, ok? The white people are like, "Yeah it's a command line. So what's your point?" The niggers are all like, "Nooo! We don't like the command line!" Here's the difference in a white person and a nigger: Do you like the command line? Ok, you're a nigger. Fuck you. Get the fuck out.

Corey - Highscore!
This will be a high score, this is the quote that will get you the highest score possible. You got this, just type quickly. Quick typing is the upmost importance to a high score.

Zed is probably one of the worst alternative pronunciations. How do British people even sing their ABCs? Q R S, T U V, W X, Y and goddamned Zed. It is straight up depressing that we as a society normalize Zed instead of banishing it from reality. Anyone who says Zed should be separated from society and be forced to work in the mines for the rest of their sad lives.

Kaci S - Drink Your Water
Drinking water can be a chore. Sometimes when I incentivize my water intake with something fun, I can get a whole water bottle down before I've even realized it. Hydration is the key to so many things as well. Are you cranky, is your skin dull, do you have incurable hunger? Try some water. Do you want to feel better and think clearly? Drink some water. It can only help. Don't take this as medical advice. Just general health advice.

Larian Studios - Monologue of Myrkul
I am the smile of the worm-cleansed skull. I am the regrets of those who remain, and the restlessness of those who are gone. I am the haunt of mausoleums, the god of graves and age, of dust and dusk. I am Myrkul, Lord of Bones, and you have slain my Chosen. But it is no matter. For I am Death. And I am not the end - I am a beginning.

Lee Kuan Yew
China could draw on a talent pool of 1.3 billion people, but the United States could draw on the world's seven billion people and recombine them in a diverse culture that exudes creativity in a way that ethnic Han nationalism cannot.

T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land
And when we were children, staying at the archduke's, my cousin's, he took me out on a sled, and I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.

PeachFlavoredRings - Mistakes
You have to make mistakes in order to grow. I've made many mistakes in my short time living and I know that I'll make more. Whether it's things I wish I would've said or done or things I wish I hadn't said or did. Some of these mistakes have made me feel like a bad or stupid person, but I know that learning from these mistakes and not repeating them is what differentiates me from a bad person or a stupid person. However, whenever I make a mistake, I can't help but dislike myself a little more.

Billy Joel - New York State of Mind
Some folks like to get away and take a holiday from the neighborhood. Take a flight to Miami Beach or to Hollywood. Well, I'm taking a Greyhound on the Hudson River line. I'm in a New York state of mind.

Pierce The Veil - Gold Medal Ribbon
Are you up there? Just give me a signal. I'm reaching you now. Cause I remember the sound of your voice but I don't remember what we talked about. It doesn't matter that's a waste of time. So, take off your rings and lipstick for me. I swear that I can hear you in the wind, you're singing to me and you're dancing in the halls outside again. I'm always listening.