Aktuelle Kommentare

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series



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Olalelilu - In Moderation
As it goes: things should be in moderation! Too much of anything will inevitably be bad for a person, not just physically but mentally as well. Everyone knows the buzz words: overdose and addiction. I believe that there's nothing in the universe you can't get too much of in some way or another; you can even drink too much water or hyperventilate. That said, let's enjoy our typing tests- in moderation.

Adelyn Lester - The Boy
The boy I met well... really wasn't the right one appears, I thought about it for over two minutes... and said yes. That yes was the worst thing I have ever decided. He left me after a week or two I didn't like him, I was using him like he was using me... his name was Gabe... Gabe Kaylor.

Louis Tomlinson - Angels Fly
Look at the horizon, does it make you feel small? Put the pain behind you now, you don't need it anymore. There's a time for saying who did what, where it went wrong, I wanna hear all that but right now you know that's not where we're going. There were problems in this empty bottle, at the bottom but we drained all that so right now all I need you to know is, you'll be okay we can talk tomorrow. I'm on my way with some time to borrow. If every star is an eye in the sky, you'll see angels fly.

Squall Leonhart - Squall's Confession, Final Fantasy VIII
To tell you the truth... I worry too much about what others think of me. I hate that side of me. That's why I didn't want anyone to get to know me. I wanted to hide that side of myself. I hate it. "Squall is an unfriendly, introverted guy." It made it easy for me when people perceived me that way. That's a secret between you and me. Got that?

Julia Armfield - Our Wives Under the Sea
At around six this morning, Leah woke and immediately had a nosebleed. I've been sleeping in the room across the hall and so didn't actually see this but I've grown accustomed to her patterns, even at this state of half remove. I'd already been ready for it, had actually woke at six fifteen, in time to pass her a flannel in the bathroom, run the taps, and tell her not to put her head back. You could set your watch to it these days-red mouth in the morning, red chin, red spill into the sink.

Michelangelo Rossi - Michelangelo Rossi - Info
I always start a painting after carefully choosing a subject, more often than not, an ancient corner of an old town or a village, a beautiful sky, a breath taking scenery or anything that captures my attention and gives me strong emotion. I usually look to see which is visually the best concept to create a perfect composition, the distance and the focal point are also important aspects that I always consider, and when all of these ingredients are blended perfectly together and I am satisfied, I.

St. Philaret of Moscow - Morning Prayer of Philaret of Moscow
O Lord, grant me to greet the coming day in peace, help me in all things to rely upon your holy will. In every hour of the day reveal your will to me. Bless my dealings with all who surround me. Teach me to treat all that comes to throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction that your will governs all. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In unfor.

Person:) - Percy Jackson vs. Harry Potter
I'm sorry to all the Harry Potter fans out there, but I honestly think that Percy Jackson is a much better book series than Harry Potter could ever be. It has better characters, better friendships, better ships, and better writing. I don't think Harry Potter is a bad book series, I just think that Percy Jackson is superior.

Pig Destroyer - "Natasha"
I smelled honeysuckle and opium - two of her signature scents. I pulled aside all the thistles and vines, and mesmerized, I made my descent. As I crawl further inside, the light slowly dies, and the dirt begins to feel like her skin. I tremble as I drag my fingers down the walls, caressing her sweet flesh again.

anonymous - bedtime thoughts
Why? Why am I here? Why did he take me back? Why do people like me? Why don't people know who I am? Why don't I know who I am? Why am I like this? Why?

Fallout 3 - War Never Changes
So ends the story of the Lone Wanderer, who stepped through the great door of Vault 101 and into the annals of legend. But the tale of humanity will never come to a close, for the struggle of survival is a war without end, and war - war never changes.

admin04 - Last rays of sunshine for humankind
The last rays of sunshine for humankind signify the end of an era, but also the beginning of a new one. As the sun sets on the world we know, we must take with us the lessons we have learned and use them to build a better future. It's time to embrace change and innovation, to work together to create a brighter tomorrow. Let the last rays of sunshine inspire us to be the best version of ourselves, and to leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Cavetown - This is Home
Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess, this avoids the stress of falling out of it. Are you tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right now but I swear, when I'm ready I will fly us out of here. Turn off your porcelain face. I can't really think right now in this place. There's too many colors enough to drive all of us insane. Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead 'cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head. But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet.

By me- JR - I am so very very
I am afraid that I will never reach the plane of intimacy that I romanticize about incessantly. I am afraid that the room I meet myself in is draped with cracks and ash. I am afraid I will never recover from that ruinous droplet I watched trickle down the side of the glass so long ago.

Kham Ag - Diluted Blood
Blood is thicker than water. But imagine one drop of blood falls into the stream, lake, river, pond, sea, or whatever kind of immense reserve of water - it will not be anymore; it will be diluted by that colorless, tasteless, odourless water. Blood can, literally, be diluted.

Joey Tribbiani
There's a scene where Drake sneaks into Olivia's bedroom, and she doesn't know he's there. And he knows he shouldn't be there, but he just wants to look at her, you know? And I remember all those mornings before you even put on your make-up, when I would think to myself, my God. She is beautiful. And it hurts so much, because I knew I could never tell you, but it was worth it just to be there looking at you.

Carmen Maria Machado
Next week, I will be thirty. The sand is blowing into my mouth, my hair, the center crevice of my notebook, and the sea is choppy and gray. Beyond it, I can see the cottage, a speck on the far shore. I keep thinking I can see the virus blooming on the horizon like a sunrise. I realize the world will continue to turn, even with no people on it. Maybe it will go a little faster.

Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Memoriam, Section 123
There rolls the deep where grew the tree. O earth, what changes hast thou seen! There where the long street roars, hath been the stillness of the central sea. The hills are shadows, and they flow from form to form, and nothings stands; they melt like mist, the solid lands, like clouds they shape themselves and go.

Michael Huemer - Existence Is Evidence of Immortality
Time may be infinite in both directions. If it is, then, if persons could live at most once in all of time, the probability that you would be alive now would be zero. Since you are alive now, with certainty, either the past is finite, or persons can live more than once.

Octaves - "Tax Break"
What would once land any dance within an instant in detention is now deplorably defended if the child's showing signs of a disorder - a deficiency in attention. Your attention, please! I'd like to point out nearly pornographic imagery plastered on the walls in your town's local department store, just two aisles from the kitchenry. Red flags are flying all around the castle - either the guards are colorblind, or their troubles are far too large to tackle.