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Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series



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Tom Wambsgans - Gargantuan Bag
She's brought a ludicrously capacious bag. What's even in there? Flat shoes for the subway? Her lunch pail? I mean Greg it's monstrous, it's gargantuan. You could take it camping. You could slide it across the floor after a bank job.

Chris - Practice
I hate making an error when typing because I am such a perfectionist. I never want to make mistakes. I don't like losing momentum when I'm typing. But one small mistake gets to me more than I'd like to admit. However, I know it is necessary to make mistakes so that we can learn from them. Some mistakes I make are still silly. But I do feel like I am learning from my mistakes the more I type. I hope the rare occasions I get perfect accuracy become more frequent and less rare with more practice.

Little Mix - Secret Love Song
Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that. Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours. Why can't I say that I'm in love? Why can't I shout it from the rooftops?

Serita McKenzie - Erupt
Control is something I no longer have; I am all blaze, and my heart is the source of this heat, charred on the surface but churning beneath with molten lava, pumping ashes through my veins. My chest explodes into flames just beneath the skin, and the fire climbs down to my gut, cooling into a glassy block of obsidian. I can't control the course of the heat nor the weight of this stone, the numbness I feel as it sits compared to this churning fire. A glass of cold water helps the burning subside.

Susanna Clarke - The Biscuit-Box Man - Piranesi
When I first discovered the Biscuit-Box Man, the seaweed twine had dried up and fallen apart and he had become rather untidy. I made new twine from fish leather and tied up his bundles of bones again. Now he is in good order once more.

Emerson - Emerson and Wilde on consistency 1/2
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood?

Kaori pbbbbbbt - Dear quote hater,
If you do not like these quotes, might I suggest focusing on the letters themselves? Each and every letter of each and every word matters. Also, the commas, the periods and the exclamation points. No read only type.

Carolyn Harmon - Monday Morning
You wanna know what living life to the fullest actually is? It's waking up on a Monday morning with no complaints. It's knowing you always deserve to laugh. It's doing what feels right no matter what. It's doing what you want to, no matter how stupid you look. It's about being yourself, "cause no one can tell you you're doing it wrong."

Anonymous - Labour - Paris Paloma
All day, every day: Therapist, mother, maid, nymph, then a virgin nurse, and a servant. Just an appendage, live to attend him, so that he never lifts a finger. Twenty-four-seven baby machine so he can live out his picket fence dreams. It's not an act of love if you make her, you make me do too much labour.

Joe Mama - Not a Good Sign
Every once in a while when I try logging in to type, I screw up entering my password. In fact, I screw it up several times. When I finally get it right, I just sit there staring at my screen, trying to psych myself up to the task ahead. It never happens though. Inevitably, I close the browser without typing a single quote, and crawl shamefully into a corner.

Kernighan & Ritchie - Types, Operators and Expressions
Variables and constants are the basic data objects manipulated in a program. Declarations list the variables to be used, and state what type they have and perhaps what their initial values are. Operators specify what is to be done to them. Expressions combine variables and constants to produce new values.

Jeremiah S. - Short Quotes
You know, if those who claim to want to give you a short quote stopped patting themselves on the back, they could make even shorter quotes. Just type and enjoy the quotes you do, stop flooding the quote pool complaining.

Courtney M. Privett - The two most common lies
The two most common lies in our world are 'I'm fine' and 'You'll be okay'. They are said without harmful intent, and often said in an attempt to placate worries, but still they tell us it is not our place to make another person uncomfortable or to draw too much attention to ourselves. Over and over, we mindlessly repeat variations of the same two phrases as we hide within our lies and attempt to spare others from the miserable truth. I'm fine. I'm okay. You're fine. You'll be okay. Everything wi.

Ellen Glasgow
Small, plain, vivacious, with hair of ashen gold, thin intelligent features, and a smile of mocking brilliance, Dorothy was the kind of woman whom men admire without loving and women love without admiring. As a girl she had been a social success without possessing a single one of the qualities upon which social success is supposed to depend.

Why do teachers never take the time to think about what the student might be going through? Hm? It is simply because they do not care for students. Every teacher claim that they care for their student, but they don't. Schools force you to live up to their expectations with no respect expected for you from them. So next time a person from another country ask "What is the usa school system" then you can tell them what actually happens.

2kbaby - YOURSELF!!
Don't change yourself or how u be yourself just change the way you react and think, and you will be great like you already are. Always be yourself don't change you because someone else want you to be them, always stay with your family and be appreciative.

bob dylan - make you feel my love
There's no doubt in my mind where you belong. I'd go hungry. I'd go black and blue. I'd go crawling down the avenue. No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do to make you feel my love.

Pig Destroyer - "Natasha"
I am standing in that same spot today, where my angel's empty shell last laid, and as my tears begin to well up once more, I see a path into the treeline that I'd never seen before. I'd followed it down into a ravine, found a hole in the earth framed in the roots of a birch tree. Subtle echoes of her voice speaking words I've never heard, but the way she hissed her s's - I knew it had to be her.

LaLa Kent - Send it to Darrel
Raquel, tell your little Mickey Mouse lawyer that if he has stuff to send over, he can send things to my lawyer. I don't know if you know how this works. I know you're pretty brand new to the game - didn't last long. Look what you did with your 15 minutes. You have something to send over? You can send it to my lawyer. I don't want to see that ever! Send it to Darrell!

Lord Victor Nefarius - Slayer
Congratulations! Allow me to grant you a title befitting the amazing achievement you just performed! Henceforth, you shall be known as the Slayer of Incompetent, Stupid and Disappointing Minions!