Aktuelle Kommentare

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series



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There is this kid in my math class, and he keeps asking me out. I keep rejecting him and saying I'm busy, which is half true. He needs to learn to take a hint.

Cassandra Clare - Alec Lightwood
I did not make a pie for three reasons. One, because I do not have any pie ingredients. Two, because I don't actually know how to make a pie. And three? Because I am not your b...

Terry Oppenheimer - Ha!
You want to be the best?! You want recognition and accolades? You have the work ethic of a koala, and think you're going to rise to fame and notoriety based off pure skill and talent alone?! How do you think I got to where I am? I worked hard, harder than most, and when I spent all I had in honing, correcting, perfecting, and improving myself, I still had a lot to learn and a ways to go before I was even considered to be among the best. You suck at dodgeball. And You suck at life. Ha!

cigarettes after sex - apocalypse
You leapt from crumbling bridges, watching cityscapes turn to dust. Filming helicopters crashing in the ocean from way above. Got the music in you, baby, tell me why? You've been locked in here forever and you just can't say goodbye.

Rebecca Sugar - Change Your Mind - Steven Universe
I don't need you to respect me, I respect me. I don't need you to love me, I love me. But I want you to know, you could know me, if you change your mind. Change your mind.

Annon - Beating your high score
If you want to beat your highest score, then this is the quote for you. As I will not include any "quotations" or exclamation marks! Can I even go as far as not including any question marks? I'll even not include any numbers, like 1, 2 or 3. How did you go? Did you beat it?

Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland
But I don't want to go among mad people," said Alice. "Oh you can't help that," said the cat. "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" asked Alice. "You must be," said the cat, "or you wouldn't have come.

Poo guy from Ohio - teacher read this
If you get this quote, show it to your teacher and comment how they react. Tell your teacher that i said hello and make them see this quote. Also tell them there name in comments and impress your teacher with this easy quote.

Taylor Swift - karma
Spider-boy, king of thieves. Weave your little webs of opacity. My pennies made your crown. Trick me once, trick me twice. Don't you know that cash ain't the only price? It's coming back around.

Olivia Newton-John - hopelessly devoted to you
But now there's nowhere to hide. Since you pushed my love aside. I'm out of my head. Hopelessly devoted to you. Hopelessly devoted to you. Hopelessly devoted to you.

Thomas Pynchon - Proverbs for Paranoids (Gravity's Rainbow)
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers. You hide, they seek. Paranoids are not paranoids because they're paranoid, but because they keep putting themselves, idiots, deliberately into paranoid situations.

Lavos - part of Lavos's rant after losing a competitive pokemon match
"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by scheduling with my opponent changing times on me last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, losing this way somehow felt even worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost.

Casey Neistat - General Ideology
General ideology; I don't like filters, color correction, transitions, digital effects, fancy font treatment or titles. I Think they're cheap and easy - anyone can download and plug in. They're not a demonstration of creativity but something prepackaged and emblematic of a more formal mainstream like aesthetic that a lot of younger creators see as aspirational - aspirational because using easy plugins makes their homemade videos look like what is seen on tv. Use nothing but straight cuts and foo.

Hirohiko Araki - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean: Pucci Counting Prime Numbers
Calm down. I must keep my composure. What do I do in such a situation? Two, three, five, seven. Count prime numbers and calm down. Prime numbers are solitary numbers that can only be divided by 1 and itself. They give me strength. Twenty-three, twenty-eight. No, 29. Dammit. The frogs are covering my 800 dollar pants! Weather Forecast is in the laundry room. He's too far. I cannot stop the downpour of frogs. I must escape. Forty-one.

Since I formed my first memories, this one nightmare has plagued my sleep. Once every few months to a year, this horrid dream would ruin my night. It was so terrifying that no words could describe it. It was so terrifying that it developed two different forms; switching between the two at will. It was so terrifying that it was not scary, but somehow far, far worse than any actual nightmare. It was so terrifying that I eventually started experiencing it while laying in bed, completely awake.

Billie Eilish - i love you
Maybe won't you take it back? Say you were tryna make me laugh. And nothin' has to change today. You didn't mean to say, "I love you." I love you and I don't want to.

Taylor Swift - champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door. November flush and your flannel cure. "This dorm was once a madhouse." I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me." How evergreen, our group of friends. Don't think we'll say that word again. And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls that we once walked through.

a piece of advice - Watch out for bad friends.
Bad friends make your days very bad. I'm blessed with a bad friend. She doesn't study at all. But when the exams started, she kept calling me to teach her the simplest of lessons. Where was she during the last four months? I had a few things that I haven't understood too, but I read our textbooks and revised my notebooks and understood them. She does not rely on herself! She stole my time! And I failed like her.

a piece of advice - Watch out for bad friends.
Bad friends make your days bad. I'm blessed with a bad friend. She doesn't study at all. But when the exams started, she kept calling me to teach her the simplest of lessons. Where was she during the last four months? I had a few things that I haven't understood too, but I read our textbooks and revised my notebooks and understood them. She does not rely on herself! She stole my time! And I failed like her.

Gian :(
I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot during Christmas break and it was very fun and enjoyable. I did alot.