Aktuelle Kommentare

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series



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For All Those Sleeping - Follow My Voice ( Part 1 )
Hope can seem so hard to find when all around is falling. And there's never enough light to see your way out. But in the darkest times you find out what you're made of, and I swear there's more to you than you know. I don't want to be the voice of a generation. I just want to be a voice for you. Alone we may be lost but together we stand tall! I can see you're broken but we're all the same. I can see your lost and alone so let this song guide you! Alone we may be lost but together we stand tall!

You are now acutely aware of the sensation of your scalp, and that is giving you a nearly irresistible urge to touch it. However, you know what's at stake here, and you forge on.

Anonymous - The Nature of Nature
It seems rather strange that the world is moving on passively, even if we do or don't think about it. Inventions will be made, deaths will occur, stars will die and form. It's the passiveness with which nature proceeds that makes it a thing. Without us conscious observers, nature is just grinding along like a machine.

Jack Stratton - The Joe Dart Bass
You think Vlance Armstrength is shifting into the active bass-boost granny-gear in the French Alps? No, this is a 1982 single-speed Bridgestone. You're eating four pounds of white flour pasta a night. Just put it in the work. Cut from a tree, okay? Stop whining. No more government subsidies for active basses!

GROMACS is an engine to perform molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimization. These are two of the many techniques that belong to the realm of computational chemistry and molecular modeling. Computational chemistry is just a name to indicate the use of computational techniques in chemistry, ranging from quantum mechanics of molecules to dynamics of large complex molecular aggregates.

Misguided Employee - Thoughts of the day
I do not understand why it is an expectation to bring your work home. Work should be done while at the office. I am currently avoiding doing the work that I brought home with me, because I am tired from the nine hours I already spent thinking about it. Good luck, and try to leave your work day behind you.

Stefan - Believe
Do you believe in fantasies? Well, I do. It's how we make-believe that our imagination can create wondrous possibilities. They're like dreams. Like a rainbow with multiple colors in the sky shining so bright you would even ponder why is it possible, before reminding yourself of the concept of a prism. And like a rainbow, anything is possible in life. Such as your dream. It is within us that we make things possible. Let's make our fantasies into possibilities. Because anything is possible.

GenoSamuel2.1 - Episode 70 Ending
As debt further mounted, Christine found comfort in the people that followed her. For she could almost surely depend on someone to financially help her... when needed. In her world, helping hands were always within reach. With such a life, there was no need to try, to improve, or to change.

Nicholas Pileggi - Henry Hill
Hill was a surprising man. He didn't look or act like most of the street hoods I had come across. He spoke coherently and fairly grammatically. He smiled occasionally. He knew a great deal about the world in which he had been raised, but he spoke about it with an odd detachment, and he had an outsider's eye for detail.

Jamie - Why
Why is this so addicting? Sometimes I will be typing at a great speed and I think I can go faster so I try to keep going but my fingers just keep hitting the wrong keys. This makes me not want to quit till I hit my high score again. Then I think I better stop and take a break or its only going to get worse.

Disney - When Will My Life Begin - Tangled
Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be! Just feel that summer breeze - the way it's calling me! For like the first time ever, I'm completely free! I could go running, and racing, and dancing, and chasing, and leaping, and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding, and splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling: That's when my life begins!

Walter White - I am the one who knocks!
No, you clearly don't know who you are talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger! A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!

I still think about you. Not as much as I used to, but I would say quite a lot considering I claim to be over you. I think there will be a part of me that will always love you and I'm okay with that, but I really hope you get off my mind a bit because I'm worried it will drive me back to you, and I really can't do that again.

I think I am going to text someone I haven't texted in a while on Christmas. All I plan to say is Merry Christmas, that's all. I haven't told anyone I am going to do this, and a part of me wishes I had done it sooner but that other part of me knows it probably wasn't good for me, we'll see how it goes.

Will Wood - BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA
Hello, welcome, why don't you take a seat? Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to. Now what's bothering you? Well, why don't we start at the beginning? Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence?

Will Wood - Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics...
You're not your thoughts. You're not your brain. You're just the character you've made up in your head, down in your heart. What feels like separate body parts come together to believe they're you and not just chemistry.

Steven Spielberg - Jaws
I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates - there's just too many captains on this island. Ten-thousand for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing.

Shane Black - Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
What were you thinking? My two-thousand dollar ceramic Vektor my mother got me as a special gift, you threw it in the lake next to the car. What happens when they drag the lake? You think they'll find my pistol? Jesus. Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?

Anonymous - The Good and the Bad of nature.
I've always thought there is no morality in nature. I think I read this in a book somewhere. The concept is that there is no good or bad in nature. Nature always is. What is "good" is if a thing that follows it's laws. What is "bad" breaks the laws. Can you eat that delicious burger? Of course! Can you push that door just using your 'telekinetic' powers? You just currently can't, unless technology finds a way. In that sense, only good things happen in nature.

Karis Nemik - Freedom is a pure idea
Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere and even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.