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Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …



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Chris Pine - Sometimes
The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.

Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology, Sixth Edition - Chapter 5 Shoulder Complex Introduction
The shoulder region is a complex of 20 muscles, three bony articulations, and three soft tissue moving surfaces (functional joints) that permit the greatest mobility of any joint area found in the body.

Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology, Sixth Edition - Newton's Laws of Motion
Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was a mathematician who identified and articulated the laws that govern all motion. He observed that when forces were applied to an object, motion of that mass could be predicted. These three fundamental laws governing motion that we continue to use today deal with inertia, acceleration, and action-reaction.

myself - Waiting
I hope I am currently in a transition in my life at the moment. I feel like I don't really have much going for me at the moment. Everything is fine like practically in my life and I do have a future, but right now I just feel lonely. All I really have is hope that it will get better, I trust in God that I will find my purpose through him. Perhaps he will send me a woman to love, or will send me into service to him through the priesthood. Whatever happens, I would very much like to get out.

Good Kid - Nomu
Four eyes entwined draw four separate lines, but none of them point to you. A tangled mess of knots, I confess, but the intent was there, I swear we set our sights on something that we thought was true!

Emma Pannell - Generosity
Generosity. What does it mean to you? Whether you think generosity is using kind words, doing helpful actions, or simply not being rude. Everyone should develop some form of it.

aronwheel - evolution
People routinely overuse the word evolution. They must have a whole lot of time on their hands. Evolution takes a long, long time! How about words like process or development instead?

Bob's Burgers, S5E18 - Little Things
Lin, I gotta say, I learned some things about you today. Stuff I didn't know. Stuff I respect. Kind of. And I'm glad to say, after all these years, I'm still finding little surprises.

EASHA - Dying Is a Beautiful Thing to Do
I could waste all of my time in between the lines. I'm the kind of girl you write songs about. Mystery you can't get out your head before you sleep at night, once in a lifetime. You're taking pictures you can't bear to lose. Be the artist to my muse.

Brandon Sanderson - Oathbringer
The trick to happiness wasn't in freezing every momentary pleasure and clinging to each one, but in ensuring one's life would produce many future moments to anticipate.

A lonely heart - Lysander's train of thought from my unfinished book that I love
Rich pigs make me sick, they are fat, and ugly. They eat whatever makes them look rich. I do not believe that eating and being round makes you rich, it shows how little you care about yourself, let alone another person. The fattest ones come to talk to me, as they are the perverted ones hoping for prey; the pathetic souls haven't been seen since... Oh, how I wonder what happened.

A lonely heart
When he sings, his voice touches my soul. When he speaks, it's with me. Yet he does not feel the same. For my heart aches for him, but his heart does not ache for me. The curse of one-sided love is hard, yet I still spend my time thinking about the chance I'll never get with him. His tender, caring touch, his soft yet lively voice. He sings, but not for me. Realize that it hurts, I say to myself. But I ignore...

Silco - Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?
A thousand times, I've imagined this moment. Never like this. All we ever wanted, the boy didn't even haggle. And what do I lose but problems? Oh, it all makes sense now, brother. Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?

David Goggins - Stay Hard Chronicles - 1
All failure is, is a tool for success. It shows you how to get there, if you're willing to stay in the fight, that's the hard part though. After failure, all these voices in our head start to say "No, we're not good enough." No, we haven't tried enough.

Dio Brando - Peace of mind. (Jojo's bizarre adventure)
To achieve peace of mind is the goal of all mankind. Now, given that, what anxiety could you possibly feel towards serving me? Any other peace of mind would come easily if you do. Doesn't challenging me, even knowing that it may spell your death, bring you anxiety? You are a very capable Stand user. It's a waste to kill you. Why not cut ties with Joestar and the others, and serve me for eternity? I can promise you peace of mind for eternity.

benny - isn't it weird
Isn't it weird when a guy does something, it's seen as funny but when a girl does it it's seen as normal? For example, if boys were to perform the mean girls jingle bells rock dance for their school, everyone would laugh at them, even if it wasn't their intention to make people laugh. But if girls were to do it, people would just see it as another thing girls do. Does that make sense?

Bethany - Where is home?
Where is home? I ask myself this question a lot nowadays. No one feels like home, nothing feels like home. Wherever I turn, I feel lost, trying to make my way back home, wherever that is. Wait for me, while I come back to you. I have been searching for you my whole life. I want that feeling again, that feeling of home.

Charles Brettinger
People always ask me, "If people don't like your work, why would you keep producing it?" The answer is simple. Why should I base my life choices around those who don't like my work? It rather hurts my feelings, so let it be its own revenge.

Agust D - 점점 어른이 되나봐 (28)
Guess I'm slowly becoming an adult. I can't remember. What was it that I wanted? Now I'm scared. Where have the fragments of my dream gone? I am breathing but. Seems like my heart is broken. Yeah, now I've become an adult who finds it hard to grasp my dream. And that's growing up.

Sarah - Thoughts
I've been thinking lately... What is my purpose in life! What am I doing here? I don't wanna be negative or anything. But I was going to work today, and I was crossing the street. And thought to myself: "what if I just closed my eyes while crossing?!." This idea was just for a second and I crossed safely. But having this thought for a second... I was worried.