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Ricardo Aguilera

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …



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Carl Jung - Isolation
I truly believe at what Carl Jung said. "No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and conscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you."

Avenue Q - For Now
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied. Everyone goes 'round a bit empty inside. Take a breath, look around, and swallow your pride; for now. Nothing lasts. Life goes on full of surprises. You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes. You're going to have to make a few compromises; for now. But only for now. Don't stress, relax. Let life roll off your back. Except for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now.

"What's the catch?" the boy asked, his heart beating just a bit too fast. The demon's grin widened, its eyes glinting with ancient, wicked glee. "Ah, young one," it purred, "the catch is not in the deal itself but in the price of understanding".

Kamala Harris - How Did I Get Here?
I don't really know how I got here. I really don't know what's driving me anymore. I don't even know what I believe. I feel like I've become a puppet, to spout positions that are good for the party. I am a cog in the machine.

Timothy - Neovim btw
Calling all programmers who'd like to improve their editing skills and non-programmers who love keyboard shortcuts. If you're already using VSCode, you can try the Vim extension. To start, you can just learn about the motions instead of immediately jumping in and using Vim or Neovim as an editor. You can carry this skill with you everywhere you go!

owolord - To think you would fall in love.
Approaching a girl, if only you'd thought about it sooner, you would've stepped forward, seized your chance at shooting your shot. Standing before perfection, you think to yourself, do I go for it? Before your brain settles on an answer, you doubt yourself and come back to the question again. Then the opportune moment slips further and further away, leaving you with your own thoughts to torture yourself with. An man's endless peril in society.

Sensei Wu - Long before time had a name
Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all: Lord Garmadon. So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first.

k.aav - As it happens, here we go again.
So, in an effort to disguise that procrastination, we end up here, typing unceasingly. But I came up with a solution. Create a custom text of a few lines length in which you state what tasks you should complete by the end of the day or what you should be doing now. Then type it again and again. Hopefully, when you get tired or bored you will direct your attention to the tasks that really matter and that you can't get out of your head.

Anonymous - Thoughts
I just want to travel. I am self-conscious of the fact that there is an entire world out there that I have not seen because of the stupid and petty obligations that seem to surround me. Many of you are probably in the same boat - going to and from school or work everyday almost without any sense of meaningfulness. What will it all matter in 50 years, when you're youth is depleted and your vitality is gone? I'm not advocating for mindlessness - do what you have to do, but also enjoy life now.

Nujabes; Shing02 - Luv(sic) Part 2
Once again, now where do I start, dear love. Dumb struck with the pure luck to find you here. Every mornin' I awake from a cavernous night, sometimes still pondering the previous plight. Seems life done changed long time no speak, nowadays I often forget the day of the week. Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, no harm done no offense taken by me.

Into the Woods - Giants in the Sky
So you scramble down and you look below, and the world you know begins to grow; the roof, the house, and your mother at the door - the roof, the house, and the world you never thought to explore. And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between. And you're back again, only different than before. After the sky!

Timothy - Touching Grass?
Why touch grass when you can sit in front of the computer and do typing tests? Why touch grass when you can sit in front of the computer and program something cool? Sitting in front of the computer isn't necessarily bad, it gets a bad rep these days but only because some of us do it too much. Get up, take a walk, look at something faraway to rest your eyes. But hey, it's okay to sit in front of the computer. I'll allow it.

Anonymous - Marriage without Lust
The concept of waiting until marriage becomes more desirable as I age. As a young man, if I want my future wife to be relatively celibate, I should hold myself to the same standard. And by doing this, I am now starting to see so many benefits to my mental health, use of time, and overall productivity because I'm no longer chasing the box.

Kiwi66 - Dreams are Visits sometimes.
I just read a quote where they were talking about dreams and how you needed to make them happen instead of saying it made something you dreamed happen. Well I firmly believe that dreams we have of loved ones passed are "visits" from that loved ones spirit. And I can only speak for myself when saying I am thankful for those dreams.

Olivia Rodrigo (Not written by her) - prison for life
I'm a feminist, obviously, but I wouldn't really mind him saving me. And I know that I'm fine without a man- but I think I would like his protection. I'm just being honest, can't change what I like. I'll never forget, he told me one night: "If anybody hurts you... I'm going to prison for life."

Igon, Elden Ring - bayle
Curse you, Bayle! I hereby vow, you will rue this day! Behold, a true drake warrior, and I, Igon! Your fears made flesh. Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon, but I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! With a hail of harpoons! With every last drop of my being!

The Bible - Proverbs 5:3-4 NIV
For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as double-edged sword.

You're stumbling through the dark, grasping for something you can't even name. You had it once, didn't you? That fleeting taste of what you crave. And now, you're desperate to reclaim it, like a dog chasing its own tail.

Will Smith - Love
The physics of love and happiness are counterintuitive. As long as we are stuck in the need to receive - in the cycle of grasping and clinging and demanding that people and the world around us meet our needs - we will be locked into disappointment, anger, and misery. The sweet paradox is being fulfilled by giving, that your output precipitates the input-giving and receiving become simultaneous. To love and to be loved is the highest human reward and ecstasy.

Anonymous - Office Work
I don't think I knew why adults acted dead inside until I started working at an office full time. I get it now. Dull beige walls. Cubicles angled just so that anybody can see the screen and how much word you've done. Strict dress codes. The same faces every day. Day in and day out. "How was your weekend?" "Any plans for the weekend?" Five days of my week spent just looking forward to the two days I don't have to be there. I'm so tired all the time now. So tired.