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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh



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Jerry A. Coyne - History of Science - Jerry A. Coyne
If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator.

Joseph-Louis Lagrange - The Guillotine Cut It
"It took them only an instant to cut off that head, and a hundred years may not produce another like it." - Joseph-Louis Lagrange, commenting on Antoine Lavoisier's death, in the May of 1794.

Susie - Am I still me?
So I don't know how to say it but I feel like my life has been stolen from me. I feel like no matter what I do, one of my friends does the same thing but either way more or less than I do it. But its not just little things it's the things that keep me going. Things that are my get away. I have become scared that everything I do isn't going to be mine anymore. In all honesty I'm scared of losing me. How can I be me when someone is out there doing the same exact stuff? Am I even still me?

Me, Ray - Sophomore Crush
My first crush had curly red hair and dark brown eyes. His gaze was so deep I was convinced he liked me, too. He only stared at me in history class, even though three other girls were at the same four-person desk. The teacher switched everyone's desks a week later, and I kept liking him for the next three weeks before I shipped him with a girl named Rachel to get rid of the feeling. I still draw him in my sketchbook when I need to draw a handsome face.

John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe-the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution.

Alec Benjamin - The Book Of You And I
Don't tell me that it's over, the book of you and I. Now you've scribbled out my name, and you've erased my favorite lines. There were so many chapters that we never got to write. Like "Cereal for Dinner" and "Staying Up All Night." I remember where we started, I remember how you looked. But now. I'm missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took. You didn't give a reason, I'll forever wonder why. We never got to finish the book of you and I.

..... - Human
You are now breathing manually. You are now aware of the fact that your clothes are touching your skin and you can feel it. You are now aware that every time you swallow you hear a little crackle in your ears. You are now aware your nose is constantly in your peripheral vision. You are now aware of the fact that your tongue is unable to find a comfortable place in your mouth.

bobkid5000 - Clear From Far Away - Cults
All my time passed me by like a stranger. Still I find I'm still looking for answers. No, I couldn't see it. Oh, how would I know what it said to me? And how could I feel it? Sit down and descend, searching for a key. But you won't realize 'til after it's happening, oh no. You'll never recognize 'til after it's coming on. Feel it, it's real. But you won't realize 'til after it's happening, oh no. It's clear from far away.

Inhaler - Perfect Storm
Why are we trying to kill something that's been so good? I can't explain it now, so wait. There's something in the room with us tonight. It's caught between the dawn and the morning light. Something that you said that drove it home. Left me underneath in your perfect storm. Something that you said that changed the tide, tangled in the weight of our own lies. Is everything we had as good as gone? Lying in the wreck of your perfect storm.

Jada O - And, and.
I hate coming across a quote, and it has sentences that start with "And." In school, I was taught that "and" never starts a sentence, it only comes after a comma. It just confuses me when I see so many quotes with sentences that start with "and."

WKWKWK - Bangladesh
Bangladesh shares land borders with India to the west, north, and east, and Myanmar to the southeast; to the south it has a coastline along the Bay of Bengal. It is narrowly separated from Bhutan and Nepal by the Siliguri Corridor; and from China by the Indian state of Sikkim in the north. Dhaka, the capital and largest city, is the nation's political, financial and cultural centre. Chittagong, the second-largest city, is the busiest port on the Bay of Bengal. The official language is Bengali.

Squeak Squeak speaks squeak squeak, and Squeak speaks squeak squeak quickly. Squeak Squeak doesn't like Squeak because Squeak squeak squeaks a lot. Too much squeaking.

My crush found out i like him like two or three weeks ago and apparently he refuses to even think about it. I mean I have been refusing to look at him in hopes my crush on him disappears, but it's different. He won't reject me and thats all i need him to do. I don't want him to like me back, or lie about doing so, I need him to hurt my feelings. Sorry for the brain dump byee.

Prajen - wish
I wish to be someone's wish to be wished. A quick quote for a wish, easy to type to anyone whose wish is to type. If that wish comes true, my wish to be wished comes true.

Victor Hugo - Javert's Suicide
I am reaching but I fall, and the stars are black and cold. As I stare into the void, of a world that cannot hold. I'll escape now from that world; from the world of Jean Valjean. There is nowhere I can turn. There is no way to go on...

Bangtan Sonyeondan - Outro: Tear
If someone turned back time for me, could I maybe have been more honest? My bare face that only I know, and my ugly and humble old friends within myself. Could you have still loved me with the smile you used to make while looking at me? Forever, stop saying things like forever. There's gotta be an end anyway. If there's a beginning, I don't wanna listen to that. I was just so scared, because it felt like maybe I had never loved you at all, not even once.

Konner Green - I'm Just A Man - Hank Williams Jr
I'm just a man, I hear and I breathe. Yes, I got feelings, I can hear and I can see. I'm not made of steel, I'm not made of stone. I'm no superhero, Lord, I'm just flesh and bones. I'm just a man.

Wes Anderson - Isle of Dogs - Spots
That's highly confidential. Um, anyway, I'm not the mayor's accountant's dog. That's Butterscotch, and she got crushed in a glass compactor the day before yesterday. No, my duties are, uh, focused entirely on the protection of the mayor's ward, Atari. I'm not supposed to be his friend, but I love him very much. But that's a private matter. Um, the only reason I even said that was because we're all probably going to die out here and I'll never see him again.

Anonymous - The Slump
"The Slump" this is the depression state after the break up. Or for me at least. I honestly have to say that this is the worst one yet. It has been three weeks and I still have no motivation to do anything. This "Slump" is making my normally productive personality seem like an emotional zombie. When will the slump end?

Sainath - Shohei Ohtani
Being an Indian, I never really had any kind of exposure to American sports. I got into baseball watching a random YouTube video in the middle of a wintery night, after watching a person who was clearly out of place in a sport dominated by Americans doing things that made the commentators jump in joy. Today, three years since that day, he has excelled beyond all expectations and is now the owner of the richest sports contract ever given to a player in professional sports history.