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Ricardo Aguilera

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …



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Madame Weatherberry - A Tale of Magic
Ignorance is a choice. Hatred is a choice. Violence is a choice. But someone's existence is never a choice, or a fault, and it's certainly not a crime. You would be wise to educate yourself.

George Elliot - Middlemarch
We mortals, men and women, devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner-time; keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips, and in answer to inquiries say, "Oh, nothing!" Pride helps; and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our hurts - not to hurt others.

Madeline Miller - Circe
I felt the currents move. The grains of sand whispered against each other. His wings were lifting. The darkness around us shimmered with clouds of his gilded blood. Beneath my feet were the bones of a thousand years. I thought: I cannot bear this world a moment longer. "Then, child, make another."

Jeff Rovin - Sting of the Wasp | p. 52
You will be working with people who presented the military with a problem: what do you do with individuals who are so good that conformity in a traditional special ops team would set them back?

Vice City - VCPR
No no no no! Keep them out of here! We do not want anymore old folks! If there are any old people listening, go back to your homes. Florida does not want you. Please, die somewhere else. What's wrong with Nevada or Kansas? We want a river, we need a river. The freedom river!

Kenneth Grahame - "Messing about in boats" - Wind in the Willows
"Is it so nice as all that?" asked the Mole shyly, though he was quite prepared to believe it as he leant back in his seat and surveyed the cushions, the oars, the rowlocks, and all the fascinating fittings, and felt the boat sway lightly under him. "Nice? It's the only thing," said the Water Rat solemnly, as he leant forward for his stroke. "Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing-absolutely nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

Hiro Arikawa - The Travelling Cat Chronicles
As I explained earlier, most animals are multilingual when it comes to listening, but reading is beyond us. Reading and writing seem to belong to a special linguistic system that only humans possess.

Anonymous - Repetitive Quotes
I sit here typing through quotes to pass time at work for about 7 hours a day and I've realized that I come across the same quotes multiple times. Surely there are more than enough quotes on this entire website to be able to type for hours and hours without encountering the same ones again and again.

lehcarn64 - What's the Evolutionary Benefit of Appreciating Beauty?
One thing that separates humans from animals is our ability to appreciate beauty. You can theoretically train a monkey to physically do anything a human can, but a chimp can't look at a sunset or a painting and recognize its beauty. Is there some evolutionary benefit to this? I read once it could be remnants of our desire to be in open spaces so that we can better see approaching danger. Or maybe our creator was feeling boastful and wanted us to admire his work.

Jackk - Not a Trace Left Behind
I devoured you. Your mind, body, and soul were all in the palm in my hands, wrapped around my finger, laced along the silver edges. I had you. I consumed you until there was nothing left. I destroyed you, so much so that you were unrecognizable to your family and friends. I was sly, you never realized what was happening to you. Or so that's what I believed, until the day you said I can continue to consume you until you are no more.

Demi Lovato - Sunset
We're just two tangled souls made of roses and thorns, we're just ships in the night chasing after the light, tell me what would be life without you by my side, we're just oceans and waves, we're just one and the same, so don't let the sunset on our love, don't let the nightfall tear us apart.

ADUDE - He doesn't know I know.
I watch my cubicle neighbor log on to this site in the morning. When he needs to look busy, I see him bring the window up and the clickity-clack of the keyboard begins. I wonder if he knows that I know that he does it to look busy?

After before provided unless although how since until as if than when as much as in order that that where because inasmuch as though while after before provided unless although how since until as if than when as much as in order that that where because inasmuch as though while.

anushi - just a question
Is it just me that after giving a lot of typing tests and practicing on various websites, we make a kind of muscle memory while typing words which are common on almost all typing websites? And while I type these common words, my mind just alerts me whenever I am about to make a mistake. It's like I already seem to know which word I'm about to type incorrectly and if I don't pause on such a word, I make a mistake and my accuracy decreases.

TJ Mack (Brian Jordan Alvarez) - Sitting
Sitting; sitting is the opposite of standing. Sitting is the opposite of running around, and sitting is a wonderful thing to do. Because you're sitting; sitting is the opposite of standing on your head, sitting is the opposite of hanging from a barbell, sitting is a wonderful thing to do!

Harlan Ellison - I have no mouth. And I must scream.
AM will be all the madder for that. It makes me a little happier. And yet... AM has won, simply... he has taken his revenge... I have no mouth. And I must scream.

Shirtaloon - He Who Fights With Monsters
An interesting fact about the goddess of knowledge is that she knows everything that anyone in this world knows, including me. Which means she knows a bunch of Mario Kart shortcuts, which is kind of awesome.

Tv girl - Blue HAir
She asked me how to be funny. But that's not something you can teach. What seemed so blue in the sunlight by the night was a pale green. And I tried to hold her but it didn't really last long. She's getting older I guess she's gotta cut her blue hair off. She asked me if she was pretty. Well, it's clear that the girl's a fraud. There's really no way of winning.

Bicyclist - Bicycle
Bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bike.

Unknown - Whats More Deadly A Thought or A Gun
What is more deadly, a gun or a thought? Perhaps not the gun. Because a gun just gives you the opportunity, it is the thought which actually compels you to pull the trigger.