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Peter T. Coleman
- Goals of Dialogue
To begin from a place of mutual respect and concern for one another. To work collaboratively toward a common understanding of the issues. To identify some areas of common ground. To listen carefully in order to understand one another. To enlarge both of our understandings of the whole landscape and the issues at play. To surface and unpack assumptions so we can check incorrect understandings of one another. To potentially arrive at an unexpected, creative new perspective.
When a blind man gets cured, the first thing he does is to throw away the very stick that guided him throughout his life. This was not about the stick.
Max Pham
- In the next four years...
I will put my money where my heart is. I will prioritize supporting minority owned businesses. I will avoid funding corporations that harm me. I will support worker's rights, fair wages, and unions. Because our money is as powerful as our votes. I will make my voice heard. I will use my platforms intentionally and responsibly. I will write to my local representatives about issues. I will support protests and rallies for equality. Because silence doesn't make change happen.
Sylvia Plath
- The Bell Jar
I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow, the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow. There was shadow in bureau drawers and closets and suitcases, and shadow under houses and trees and stones, and shadow at the back of people's eyes and smiles, and shadow, miles and miles and miles of it, on the night side of the earth.
Office of attorney general
- Office of the attorney general Nepal
Office of the attorney general is situated in Kathmandu district of Nepal. Attorney general is the legal advisor of government of Nepal. There are 14 high government attorney office, 77 district government attorney office and a special government attorney office under office of attorney general.
Transgender people I know. I can count them on more than one hand but not on more than two hands. Today I'm thinking about two in particular, V., a very gifted musician who gave violin lessons for free to those who couldn't afford it, and P., who delighted me by sneaking kittens into the classroom.
- The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes
An accomplished gentleman, when carving a tough goose, had the misfortune to send it entirely out of the dish, and into the lap of the lady next to him; on which he very coolly looked her full in the face, and with admirable gravity and calmness, said, "Madam, may I trouble you for that goose." In a case like this, a person must, necessarily, suffer so much, and be such an object of compassion to the company, that the kindest thing he can do is to appear as unmoved as possible.
Is suicide that bad? I already feel like I am just a walking corpse in this world, just sucking oxygen away from the people who can actually feel something. I know it's wrong to consider, I'm not going to do it. I just don't feel like it should be a shameful feeling for the people who are already here, rotting away like a forgotten tomato.
crazy man
- honestly, i think im crazy
Honestly, i think i might be going crazy. Typing this fast should be illegal and typists at this speed should have gotten a speeding ticket already. Honestly, the delivery of this feeling is the same as defeating a hard boss in game.
theonion dot com
- Dad Snacking
Family sources confirmed that Guadiano had retrieved from the refrigerator a dish filled with a pound of leftover ground beef and, with no attempt to use it as an ingredient within a larger dish, ate it straight from the container while sitting on the couch. At press time, sources confirmed that Guadiano had finished his bowl of ground beef and announced he was going to take a quick nap before dinner.
- The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be until they have learnt to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises.
Sebastian Balfe Dangerfield
They've simply no notion of playing the game; They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won, And they practise beforehand, which ruins the fun!
Sigmund Freud
- Freud on Reality (1900)
Whether we are to attribute reality to unconscious wishes, I cannot say. It must be denied, of course, to any transitional or intermediate thoughts. If we look at unconscious wishes reduced to their most fundamental and truest shape, we shall have to conclude, no doubt, that psychical reality is a particular form of existence not to be confused with material reality.
ai generated
- Sanatan dharma
Sanatan Dharma, often seen as the essence of Hinduism, refers to the eternal principles of truth, righteousness, and cosmic order. It emphasizes spiritual growth, self-realization, and harmony with the universe, guiding individuals through various paths like devotion, knowledge, and righteous action. Rooted in ancient Vedic teachings, it is a way of life rather than a fixed religion.
Clarence Moores Weed
- Butterflies Worth Knowing
From the fact that this chrysalis skin shows many of the characteristic features of the future butterfly it is evident that the change from the caterpillar to the butterfly really began during the life of the larva. The nature of the process by which this change takes place has long been a puzzle to scientists. For the making of a butterfly is one of the most wonderful phenomena in the outer world.
- The Weight of Silence
Sometimes, the hardest part of life is realizing how much goes unsaid. People you care about drift away, and you're left thinking about all the things you should have said but didn't. The quiet moments can feel the heaviest, filled with regret and missed chances.
Walter J Ong
- The Original Mistake (Orality and Literacy)
Through this gate duality rises out of unity. The primal moment in which two things are first distinguished (like the separation of heaven and earth in traditional cosmogonic myth) is, according to Parmenides, the birth of a language. From an original or first moment of "naming," two things rather than one only, the world of the Many flows out as a complexly ramified mistake. This mistake is enshrined in and subsequently maintained in place by linguistic reification.
Karl Marx
- Capital Volume I
There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
Stephen Lawrence Schwartz
- Popular
Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I, and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I? My tender heart tends to start to bleed. And when someone needs a makeover, I simply have to take over. I know, I know exactly what they need. And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face; don't worry, I'm determined to succeed. Follow my lead, and yes, indeed, you will be popular!
Noah Kahan / Todd Clark
- The View Between Villages
Feel the rush of my blood, I'm seventeen again. I am not scared of death, I've got dreams again. It's just me and the curve of the valley, and there is meaning on Earth... I am happy.