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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh



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Crywank - Privately owned spiral galaxy
The majesty of fantasy protects me from tragedy. Normality's effect traject agony of rationality, which thankfully penetrates with no avail to my own reality. An elaborately designed, privately owned spiral galaxy.

Benjamin Borisenko - Biomedical Engineering - An Analysis
Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary engineering discipline in which mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology are used in order to solve problems relating to the biomedical sciences, as well as further the development of technology and machinery used in the medical field. This book will cover the history of biomedical engineering, as well as give you a good understanding of the basics needed to work in the field.

Britney Spears - Everytime
Every time I try to fly, I fall. Without my wings, I feel so small. I guess I need you baby. And every time I see you in my dreams. I see your face, it's haunting me. I guess I need you baby...

Anonymous - Monsters
Humans are monsters, parasites of Earth. We take everything and give nothing back. Humans would rather get rich than help people in need, or complain about kids at school getting free lunches. Humans are disgusting and we need to be better.

Richard Pryor
Two things people throughout history have had in common are hatred and humor. I am proud that I have been able to use humor to lessen people's hatred.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Dr. MLK Jr. - May 8, 1967
I must confess that that dream that I had that day has at many points turned into a nightmare ... the biggest problem now is that we got our gains over the last 12 years at bargains. It didn't cost the nation anything ... Now we are confronting issues that cannot be solved without costing the nation billions of dollars ... this is where we're getting our greatest resistance. They may put it on many other things, but we can't get rid of slums and poverty without it costing the nation something.

Someone who's always tired. - Life is Short
I was always scared to do stuff. I always held myself back, thinking that one day I'd do it. Then, one day, I slapped myself. Am I really ever going to do it? Life is short, take advantage. Do the things you want to do. Don't waste time nor push the activity away.

Adelyn Lester - Have You Ever
Have you ever fallen in love? Have you ever bet on us? Will you ever be my one? Songs like this give me shivers because I think it is amazing how some people out in this world can do this. And one day I'll be just like them.

Madonna Ciccone
A lot of people are just really confused by me; they don't know what to think of me, so they try to compartmentalize me or diminish me. Maybe they just feel unsafe. But any time you have an overtly emotional or irrational, negative reaction to something, you're fearing something that it's bringing up in you.

C2 Wiki - Lisp
Also, to add insult to injury, many people who make bizarre, disparaging statements about Lisp lack the background to understand that the exact features that they are extolling in their language of choice not only exist in Lisp, but originated with Lisp. Is it arrogant to point that out?

Anonymous - My Prince
I can't even begin to explain to you how much I love that boy. He made the days that I felt like dying worth living. He is the light of my life and we have only been together for a short amount of time. Every time I look at that boy, I see an amazing future. My dear, My Love, My lovely Prince.

Lenorite - Typing in dim lighting
Typing in a dimly lit room is a great way to refine muscle memory! As you look down from the bright screen, your eyes will take a second to adjust. This provides an accountable buffer for any keys you are not confident to type without looking at all. Do it in moderation; look up every few minutes and whatnot. Remember to also step into the light and enjoy the improvement.

Old Hunter Yamamura - Yamamura the Wanderer
Shrouded by night, but with steady stride. Colored by blood, but always clear of mind. Proud hunter of the church. Beasts are a curse, and a curse is a shackle. Only ye are the true blades of the church.

I said I believe in love. They said I'm the worst tennis player in the history of the sport. I said tennis is not my sport. They said based on my performance in tennis, they can't imagine me having any potential in sports at all.

Raph Miller - source of knowledge
Studying is the main source of knowledge. Books are indeed never failing friends of man. For a mature mind, reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace. To distressed minds, the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook. Therefore, the habit of reading should be cultivated. A student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only. He should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics - poetry, drama, history, philosophy, etc.

E. B. White - Removal
Several months ago, finding myself in possession of one hundred and seventeen chairs divided about evenly between a city house and a country house, and desiring to simplify my life, I sold half of my worldly goods, evacuated the city house, gave up my employment, and came to live in New England.

Jamie - This helps my ADHD
I started this because I wanted to improve my typing speed, but It has turned into away to give my brain a break while at work. When I feel brain fog or burn out coming on I open this page and set a timer for about 5 min. Then when the time is up I go back to working on the task I have to do for work. For some reason this make my ADHD brain happy and I am able to be more productive and It also builds my typing skills. So, I really hope no one at work thinks I'm trying to just look busy.

TV Girl
Then you told me how you had an uncle who played the villain in those movies and how he died, and then you cried. You apologized profusely. I was nervous that this was as good as I could ever feel, and I was right.

Me :) - My turn I guess
I've typed a lot of quotes where people talk about why they use this site. I was surprised to find that most of you typists are much older than me. I am 16, almost 17 years old. I type because I have ADHD and when I was in 4th grade I got an intense hyperfixation on typing. 7 years later, it's still strong.

PeachFlavoredRings - A Paradise
To be able to go to a place where I can escape from everything and everyone, and then come back when I miss the few things I actually cherish here, would be heavenly. A place where I can be my true self without having to worry about who's going to make fun of me or judge me for it. A place where my feelings matter. A place where I'm appreciated for the things I do. A place where I can talk about the things I'm passionate about and have people actually listen. A paradise.