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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh



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Stephen King, The Stand - The Other Side...
No one can tell you what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.

xXGM_100Xx - I like it when it rains while I sleep
I like it when it rains while I sleep but I don't know why. Is it because of the noise? Is it because I somehow feel calm and relaxed because of it? I don't know why but what's important is that I sleep comfortably.

L. Reeves - Easy or Hard
It's easier to be angry. It's easier to hold grudges. It's easier to be faithless. It's easier to be pessimistic. It's easier to be lazy. It's easier to be fat. It's easier to externalize your failures. Why take accountability for your actions and emotions when you can easily dismiss that accountability? Sure it's easier, but I won't affirm your delusion. Growth is not attained through that which is easy. Growth is attained by pushing yourself to do that which is hard.

Me Am the Writer
Am I the only person on this website who doesn't even know or understand the quote they're typing until the last sentence, but all they're trying to do is type fast and accurately?

Allen Hatcher - Algebraic Topology
One of the main ideas of algebraic topology is to consider two spaces to be equivalent if they have 'the same shape' in a sense that is much broader than homeomorphism. To take an everyday example, the letters of the alphabet can be written either as unions of finitely many straight and curved line segments, or in thickened forms that are compact regions in the plane bounded by one or more simple closed curves.

mitski - my love, mine all mine
Moon, a hole of light. Through the big top tent up high. Here before and after me, shining down on me. Moon, tell me if I could send up my heart to you? So, when I die, which I must do, could it shine down here with you?

Counter of Beans - Stolen Bike
I just walked out this morning to find that my bike was stolen. There's a sickening feeling sitting in my stomach. I can't stop thinking about what I could've done to prevent this. On top of that, I think about how much money I put into that bike and how much money and effort will need to go into getting a new one, not to mention keeping that one safe. Why do people suck?

World War Z - Mother Nature
Mother Nature is a serial killer. No one's better, or more creative. Like all serial killers she can't help the urge to want to get caught. What good are all those brilliant crimes if no one takes the credit? So she leaves crumbs. Now the hard part, why you spend a decade in school, is seeing the crumbs. But the clue's there. Sometimes the thing you thought was the most brutal aspect of the virus turns out to be the chink in its armor, and she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths.

Roseeeee - The World
Some days I think back on my life and the things I took for granted. Seeing the world now and wishing I had done different things or lived my life fuller than I have. The world is crumbling apart at my feet and I'm terrified of not having a future. I'm scared of being robbed of my future and existence by the fault of others, and there is nothing I can do about it.

J. M. Amper
The behavior we call "spoiled" isn't just the result of giving children too much. It's the result of giving children too many material things and not enough love and guidance, especially when the material things are treated like a substitute for love.

kirby - womp womp
I liked someone, but had to leave them because it was weighing on my mind. It was mainly on my side, though I doubt he has feelings for me. When he found someone I felt like Jessie from Toy Story. 'When somebody loved me everything was beautiful. Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart. And when he was sad, I was there to dry his tears. And when he was happy so was I, when he loved me'

Drakie D - Laid - james P1
This bed is on fire, with passionate love. The neighbors complaining about the noises above. But she only comes when she's on top. My therapist said not to see you no more. She said you're like a disease without any cure. Ah you think you're so pretty.

Mark Lawrence - Jorg - Silence
I'll tell you now. That silence almost beat me. It's the silence that scares me. It's the blank page on which I can write my own fears. The spirits of the dead have nothing on it. The dead one tried to show me hell, but it was a pale imitation of the horror I can paint on the darkness in a quiet moment.

The End Of the Fing World. - Silence
That was the day I learned that silence is really loud. Deafening. I think maybe my dad spent his whole life trying to avoid silence. When you have silence, it's hard to keep stuff out. It's all there, and you can't get rid of it. I used to be able to get rid of things, banish them. But I knew, after that day, it wouldn't be so easy anymore... I was never Alyssa's protector. She was mine.

Paige - Ah yes.. the fuckening.
Do you ever feel that when everything's fine, and life's great, and you can't help but hear the smallest voice, in the far back corner of your mind, say, "Hang on.. This is really nice... REALLY nice.. What's wrong?"

Myself - Imposter Syndrome
I'm starting to think that if I can't get rid of imposter syndrome, then perhaps I should just sink into that role. I could make it into a little game. For how long can I fool everyone into thinking I belong here? I'll work the best I can, do as I'm told, and wear a mask of enthusiasm and intrigue. All while saving my best efforts for my true passions and safeguarding my mental health.

Panic! At The Disco - New Perspective
I feel the salty waves come in, I feel them crash against my skin, and I smile as I respire because I know they'll never win. There's a haze above my TV that changes everything I see, and maybe if I continue watching, I'll lose the traits that worry me. Can we fast forward to go down on me? Stop there, and let me correct it. I wanna live a life from a new perspective. You come along because I love your face, and I'll admire your expensive taste. And who cares? Divine intervention.

Anonymous - Movie Theater Etiquette
When you walk in you will instantly have begun being inspected by the staff at the ticket counter. They scour every inch of your body with their scrutinizing eyes looking for even a hint of outside food or drink pressent on your being. If you make it to the counter do not make eye contact. Since that will raise their suspicion prompting a sudden strip search, but if you somehow manage to escape the front desk you will have been one of the few to smuggle outside food or drink into a theater.

Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness song
I'll be glad that I made it out. And, sorry that it all went down like it did. I have emotional motion sickness, somebody roll the windows down. There are no words in the English language, I could scream to drown you out.

Breezy12405 - Killertalon123
My best friend is no longer here. I miss him so much that even after his death, all I can come to terms with is that he was the best friend I could ever have. He never let me or anyone down. He was always trying to help people and he was very smart. I was really hoping to see him go to a prestigious college someday. I miss you, Bud. I hope you are doing alright.