תגובות אחרונות

William H. Rehnquist
When a man has to sacrifice his health, body, career, social standing, and almost lose …


Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what



הוסף ציטוט חדש

ציטוטים אחרונים - הציטוטים הטובים ביותר - הציטוטים הגרועים ביותר -

Anonymous - Chem Class
The best part of my day was Chem class. So many great things happened there. It was so fun. I looked forward to seeing my best friend in that class everyday. I looked forward to hearing the class clowns try to get out of doing homework because they had sports after school. I looked forward to seeing the boy who made me laugh more than I thought I should. Chem class was family to me.

Dr. Maheswaran - Steven Universe
When humans are in crisis, the brain releases the hormone cortisol. Your heart races, your muscles tense. I wonder if your body is reacting to a gem equivalent of cortisol. I think all these experiences have been subjecting your body to a harmful amount of stress, and that's affecting your ability to respond to new forms of stress in a healthy way. You've been dealing with genuine threats from such a young age your body is now responding to minor stress as if your life were in danger.

Tyler Jospeh, Twenty One Pilots - Taxi Cab
Driving once again, but now this time there were three men; and then I heard one of them say, "I know the night will turn to gray, I know the stars will start to fade, when all the darkness fades away. We had to steal him from his fate so he could see another day."

Anonymous Love
This quote is for the girl that I fell in love with in school. We never talked. Now I'm 40 years old and a father of two. I wonder what she is doing now. What would we do if we met again?

timmmy - Living my y/n life
Sometimes I like to put on my headphones, listen to music, and put myself in different scenarios. Sometimes, I'm kicking butt and other times butt is kicking me. Whatever it is, it's fun; It takes my mind off of this mess of a world, and gives me a little comfort.

Bao Trang N. - When you get to know me
You might think I am responsible, mature, whatever it is at first, but when you get to know me, oh you are not gonna believe it. Oh you might think whatever I am, but if I get to know you and you get to know me like in friends or friends AND enemies, you're going to see my crazy side. Well, what I mean crazy is not killing people or doing any stuff like that. Well you can ask one of my friends about it. I always joke around and kind of like... laugh. I don't know why though. So yeah.

Bao Trang N. - Why you shouldn't lose a pen
Don't ever lose a pen, here's why: No pen = no notes, no notes = no study, no study = no graduation, no graduation = no money, no money = no food, no food = your tummy hurts, your tummy hurts = you're sick, you're sick but you don't have money = you die. So don't lose a pen. (This is just for a joke, don't take it seriously. You can buy another pen if you lose one. I lose like a thousand pens already).

Bao Trang N. - Little typing tip
I know what you're feeling right now. Frustrated, stressed, anxious, etc. I know every single feeling you have when you're doing this. I know you just want a peaceful typing test without making mistakes. But I know that you know that this is not possible. At least, for you and me. And being frustrated negatively affects my typing speed. So this is a tip for you. When you're in this situation, take a breath, walk outside, drink water, take a shower, or all the things that calm you down.

Absolutely no one - A practice
The basics of life is to live and not die as much as you can. Look at the animals they hunt to live and sleep, and they can't anymore they just die. I hope you sleep well tonight. Nothing matters. Live in the moment. Don't worry about your future.

Fredrik Backman - Beartown
There are few words that are harder to explain than "loyalty." It's always regarded as a positive characteristic, because a lot of people would say that many of the best things people do for each other occur precisely because of loyalty. The only problem is that many of the very worst things we do to each other occur because of the same thing.

Blake - Practice: Question Marks
Hello again. Who are you? Why don't you type correctly? What is keeping you from using the right finger? Don't you know you're suppose to use your pinky finger? How come you only use your middle finger? For a question mark? Heck no? Was that not a question? That "Heck no" one? Who knows? Do you think this is a good practice?

Blake - Practice: Periods
Hello Blake. I hope you are having a good day. This quote is here. To help you. Practice periods. If you haven't. caught on already. Hahaha. That was so funny wasn't it. I know, it really was. But basically, I'm trying to put. As many periods in this practice quote. So you can practice. Using your ring finger. To tap the period. Instead of your middle finger. That being said, here's some repetitious practice for that muscle memory. there. were. so. many. periods. in. this. paragraph.

Blake - How do I save a quote so I can practice it later? (test)
See above. I just realized this has to be at least 150 characters so I am continuing my typing. Hopefully this is enough. Well, not quite. Needless to say, it was not enough. How about now?

Elif Shafak
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if on that particular day, because of too much caffeine or a side effect of some medication he might have taken earlier or simply nerves, Major General Peter Young's hand had shaken just a trifle... Would the border have shifted a fraction of an inch up or down, inserting here, deleting there, and if so, might this involuntary change have affected my fate or that of my relatives?

Elif Shafak - The Island of Missing Trees
But no matter what kind of trouble it may be going through, a tree always knows that it is linked to endless life forms - from honey fungus, the largest living thing, down to the smallest bacteria and archaea - and that its existence is not an isolated happenstance but intrinsic to a wider community. Even trees of different species show solidarity with one another regardless of their differences, which is more than you can say for so many humans.

Rachael - Sabrina
Once upon a time, on the north shore of Long Island, not far from New York, there was a very, very large mansion, almost a castle. And on this very large estate lived a small girl. And life was pleasant there and very, very simple. But, then one day, the girl grew up and went beyond the walls of the grounds and found the world.

Vikram Gautam - Wait I can write Quotes too?
Today I discovered that some quotes on this site were from random people talking about their daily lives and stuff. The nail in the coffin for me was the guy that was talking about how he liked to type on this site. Then I looked closely and saw that I can write quotes too. So here is my first of many quotes to come enjoy!

The Cat Empire - Our Allies - The Chariot
And our allies grew wherever we would roam, see whenever we're together any stranger feel at home. In a way we are an army, but this army not destruct. No, instead we're doing simple things. Good loving, find it, run amuck.

Neil Gaiman - A Game of You
In the pale light of the Moon I play the game of you. Whoever I am. Whoever you are. All sense of where I am, of who I am and where I'm going, has been swallowed by the dark. And I walk through the stars and sky... a trinity of dreams beneath the moon.

fellow typist - You'll get better
You'll get better. Sure, it won't be today or tomorrow, but you will get better as long as you put in the time to practice on your typing. Personally, it took me a long time practicing so that I can type 50 wpm, and I think it'll take me more time to reach 60.