תגובות אחרונות

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
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ציטוטים אחרונים - הציטוטים הטובים ביותר - הציטוטים הגרועים ביותר -

Shonda Rhimes - Cristina to Meredith when she leaves
We'll call each other at least twice a month, and we'll text all the time. And don't let Owen get all dark and twisty, take care of him. And Alex, take care of Alex, he needs to be mocked at least once a day or he'll be insufferable... Don't be a hero. You're my person, I need you alive. You make me brave... Okay, now we dance it out... You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind. Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need; he is very dreamy but he is not the sun, you are.

Percy De Rolo III - Critical Role
I am Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III. My ancestry dates back thousands of years and will continue for thousands more, unless Whitestone falls. This place is the human soul. This is what we have built with our tiny moments. To lose a place like this, we don't feel it immediately, but it would ruin everyone in small ways.

Marc Spector - Moon Knight Ep 6
I don't know if you can hear me. From the moment you arrived, way back then, we were so young. You saved me. I survived because I knew I wasn't alone. You were always there, alive, full of hope. And I tried to protect that, and I failed. I couldn't protect you. But you didn't abandon me. You didn't abandon me. And although that field back there was looking... it was looking pretty good... there's no way in hell I'm gonna abandon you. You are the only real superpower... I ever had.

Moon Knight - Marc Spector
My brain is Moon-silvered, lunatic, cratered with a god's fingerprints. The deep structures of my mind have been irreversibly changed by communion with an ultraterrestrial intelligence. This is my poisoned ground. This is my temple. But I take my weaknesses and turn them to my advantage. I take my scars... and make of them my weapons.

Dee Ess - Love And Live On.
It's almost as if it never happened, like a dream that keeps fading away. It's almost as if she never was here, what happened to all of those days? Years flew by now here I am, thinking, what did it all mean? I learned a lot yet still feel lost like nothing is as it seems. She seemed like the one but that wasn't true. No one is perfect and that isn't new. Keep this in mind if you feel these words, have peace in your mind and breathe deeply inwards. Let love be the force in everything you do.

Rogue Valley - The Wolves and the Raves
But it doesn't trouble me as I lay beside the fire, I am easy to inspire, there is little I require. I wasn't yours and you weren't mine, though I have wished it time to time that we had found a common ground your voice was such a welcome sound.

Your Local Typist - Let's Talk About the Oxford Comma
There have been several quotes recently that have been missing crucial punctuation: the Oxford comma. If you're not familiar with the Oxford comma, it separates the last two items in a list. Though optional, it's widely regarded as necessary. If you have a list without the Oxford comma, it's annoying, frustrating, easier to misinterpret, and it messes up my accuracy.

Tatsuki Fujimoto - Dream Battle - Chainsaw Man
Die before I've felt some boobs? Fuck off! Everyone's looking down on the things I wanna do... revenge, protecting their family, saving a cat, Ain't it nice all of you got such respectable! This! That! And the other! Then let's have a clash of dreams! A dream battle! If I murder you, that makes your dream lower than feeling breasts!

Amy Winehouse - Valerie
Since I've come on home, well, my body's been a mess. And I miss your ginger hair and the way you like to dress. Won't you come on over? Stop making a fool out of me. Why don't you come on over, Valerie?

Bao Trang.N - Why you don't wanna be smart
Smart people are forced to be smart. Genius are forced to be smarter. Now I'm going to tell you why not to be smart like me. Yes, well, being smart is a good thing. But you won't wanna be smart if you try. Why? Well, you'll get very very very very very very very many tutoring lessons. And yeah. You won't wanna know how many tutoring I have. Plus, my mother assigned me very very very very very very very very very very very many homework as well. She said those tutoring homework isn't enough.

JonJon - Yeti
JonJon is a boring person. He always hangs out by himself because he has no friends. The only person that has ever liked him is his mom, even his dad left to get the milk. He spends all his days typing on Keyhero and his best WPM is only three. JonJon is you.

Anonymous FP - Don't die!!
Billy's allergic to peanuts. If he eats them, he has an extremely negative reaction. Peanuts are not unhealthy for most people, but if Billy eats them, his health will decline. Relationships can be toxic even if the people aren't.

Sigrid Nunez - The Friend
Consider rereading, how risky it is, especially when the book is one that you loved. Always the chance that it won't hold up, that you might, for whatever reason, not love it as much. When this happens, and to me it happens all the time (and more and more as I get older), the effect is so disheartening that I now open old favorites warily.

Sarah Weeks - So B. It
Another thing I found out right around that same time is that not knowing something doesn't mean you're stupid. All it means is that there's still room left to wonder.

Better Call Saul - "Pimento" - Chuck McGill
I know you. I know what you were, what you are-people don't change, you're Slippin' Jimmy! And Slippin' Jimmy I can handle just fine but Slippin' Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun! The law is sacred! If you abuse that power people get hurt! This is not a game! You have to know - on some level I know you know I'm right! You know I'm right!

Hire Me - Drivel I Used to Pad My Resume
KFC Shift Supervisor: I ensure that hot, fresh product is always available through effective multitasking and constant monitoring of current cooked inventory. I utilize industry knowledge on food safety protocol to manage my team's handling of food and sanitization. I oversee team member development and training while empowering them to exceed company metrics on speed, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

Mary Shelley, "Frankenstein"
Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good - misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.

Dr. Gurner - Actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder than words, and this is especially true for the ultra-successful. These are people who prioritize action even when it's hard, uncomfortable, or risky. If you want to join them? It's time to stop saying things and start doing them. Forget the excuses. Forget your limits. Forget feeling ready. The life you lead depends on the choices you're willing to make. Are you going to show up for yourself this week?

Donald Trump - He Likes Rockets
After achieving success as an internet entrepreneur, he could've spent his fortune doing anything including yachting. Lots of things. He could do lots of things. But in 2002, he began pouring tens of millions of dollars of his own money into research and development for a new rocket. He's a little bit different than a lot of other people. He likes rockets.

Robert Wright - The Moral Animal: Why We Are The Way We Are
In the new view, human beings are a species splendid in their array of moral equipment, tragic in their propensity to misuse it, and pathetic in their constitutional ignorance of the misuse.