
Captain by bfluegge

Imagine you're the captain of a spaceship zooming through the galaxy at light speed. Suddenly, you spot an asteroid belt blocking your path! You must quickly navigate around each massive rock to reach Planet Zog, where an alien species awaits your arrival. The fate of the universe depends on your fast and precise typing skills. Every word you type is a command to steer the ship, and one wrong move could send you crashing into an asteroid. Can you guide the crew to safety and become the hero of the stars?

IT tXartela by okila

Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que el sector servicios es poco innovador y que se limita a consumir innovaciones producidas por las industrias manufactureras. Sin embargo, la evidencia reciente muestra que el sector servicios juega un papel importante en la generación y la difusión de innovaciones (hay servicios que no generan innovaciones por sí mismos, pero contribuyen a la difusión de la innovación a otros sectores, como ocurre en el caso de los servicios de consultoría.) La producción de servicios se caracteriza por su discontinuidad y por presentar unas economías de escala limitadas. Sin embargo, algunos servicios están utilizando la innovación para generar economías de escala semejantes a las que existen en las manufacturas. En este sentido, se está estandarizando al máximo la producción de algunos servicios, en lo que se ha denominado mascustomization, que se caracteriza por ofrecer productos personalizados a partir de combinaciones de un gran número de componentes estandarizados (como ocurre en algunas cadenas de comida rápida). Por un lado, el producto de las actividades de servicios suele ser inmaterial e intensivo en información, lo cual dificulta su almacenamiento y transporte. Generalmente resulta imposible separar la producción y el consumo, que se dan al mismo tiempo en un espacio determinado. En este sentido, el desarrollo de las TIC en los últimos tiempos está permitiendo deslocalizar algunas actividades de servicios (gracias, por ejemplo, a Internet y a los servicios telefónicos). Por otro lado, el producto suele tener un alto grado de personalización. Una de las características más significativas del sector servicios es la coproducción, que consiste en la utilización de ínputs del consumidor en el proceso de producción (el resultado final depende de la aportación del consumidor).

It txartela by okila

Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que el sector servicios es poco innovador y que se limita a consumir innovaciones producidas por las industrias manufactureras. Sin embargo, la evidencia reciente muestra que el sector servicios juega un papel importante en la generación y la difusión de innovaciones (hay servicios que no generan innovaciones por sí mismos, pero contribuyen a la difusión de la innovación a otros sectores, como ocurre en el caso de los servicios de consultoría.) La producción de servicios se caracteriza por su discontinuidad y por presentar unas economías de escala limitadas. Sin embargo, algunos servicios están utilizando la innovación para generar economías de escala semejantes a las que existen en las manufacturas. En este sentido, se está estandarizando al máximo la producción de algunos servicios, en lo que se ha denominado mascustomization, que se caracteriza por ofrecer productos personalizados a partir de combinaciones de un gran número de componentes estandarizados (como ocurre en algunas cadenas de comida rápida). Por un lado, el producto de las actividades de servicios suele ser inmaterial e intensivo en información, lo cual dificulta su almacenamiento y transporte. Generalmente resulta imposible separar la producción y el consumo, que se dan al mismo tiempo en un espacio determinado. En este sentido, el desarrollo de las TIC en los últimos tiempos está permitiendo deslocalizar algunas actividades de servicios (gracias, por ejemplo, a Internet y a los servicios telefónicos). Por otro lado, el producto suele tener un alto grado de personalización. Una de las características más significativas del sector servicios es la coproducción, que consiste en la utilización de ínputs del consumidor en el proceso de producción (el resultado final depende de la aportación del consumidor).

it txartela by okila

Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que el sector servicios es poco innovador y que se limita a consumir innovaciones producidas por las industrias manufactureras. Sin embargo, la evidencia reciente muestra que el sector servicios juega un papel importante en la generación y la difusión de innovaciones (hay servicios que no generan innovaciones por sí mismos, pero contribuyen a la difusión de la innovación a otros sectores, como ocurre en el caso de los servicios de consultoría.) La producción de servicios se caracteriza por su discontinuidad y por presentar unas economías de escala limitadas. Sin embargo, algunos servicios están utilizando la innovación para generar economías de escala semejantes a las que existen en las manufacturas. En este sentido, se está estandarizando al máximo la producción de algunos servicios, en lo que se ha denominado mascustomization, que se caracteriza por ofrecer productos personalizados a partir de combinaciones de un gran número de componentes estandarizados (como ocurre en algunas cadenas de comida rápida). Por un lado, el producto de las actividades de servicios suele ser inmaterial e intensivo en información, lo cual dificulta su almacenamiento y transporte. Generalmente resulta imposible separar la producción y el consumo, que se dan al mismo tiempo en un espacio determinado. En este sentido, el desarrollo de las TIC en los últimos tiempos está permitiendo deslocalizar algunas actividades de servicios (gracias, por ejemplo, a Internet y a los servicios telefónicos). Por otro lado, el producto suele tener un alto grado de personalización. Una de las características más significativas del sector servicios es la coproducción, que consiste en la utilización de ínputs del consumidor en el proceso de producción (el resultado final depende de la aportación del consumidor).

AKPsi Anthem by soggy_sage

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and Alpha Kappa Psi?
Shall we pass slowly out of view, without regret or sigh?
Chorus: For Alpha Kappa Psi, my friend, for Alpha Kappa Psi,
We'll bless the days that we have spent in Alpha Kappa Psi,
We'll work with might and main to win,
Our mead of daily praise,
But ne’er shall we in after years,
Forget Fraternal days

Ten Founding Fathers by soggy_sage

Robert S. Douglas, Howard M. Jefferson*, Daniel V. Duff, Irving L. Camp, George L. Bergen*, Nathan Lane Jr.*, Morris S. Rachmil, Herbert M. Wright, Frederic R. Leach*, and William O. Tremaine. Starred are the Brooklyn Four.

all2 by imanmem

Recently, the phenomenon of T1 and its corresponding impact has sparked a heated debate. Although contested by many that matters of N1 are highly beneficial, such an issue is regarded as both constructive and positive by a substantial number of individuals. I highly believe that N2 can be a plus and I will investigate that in this essay. From a social standpoint, T2 can provide society with noticeable effects that are rooted in the fact that merits, as well as advantages of N3, are crucial. According to my own experience, I profound an academic experiment that discovered the importance of N4. Thus, beneficial ramifications of N5 are visible. From a scientific point of view, T3 can provide the community with negative impacts that are related to the reality that the demerits of N6 are remarkable. As a tangible example, some scientific research undertaken by a prestigious university described the role of N7. Hence, predicted outcomes of N8 are noticeable.To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments on both sides, I profoundly believe that the benefits of T4 far outweigh its drawbacks. Not only do the advantages of N9 prove the significance of N10, but also pinpoint possible implications.

Quiz 2 Pg. 2 by soggy_sage

The fraternity flower is the yellow rose. The colors of the fraternity are navy blue and gold.

The fraternity’s opening question and answer:

Q) For what purpose are we gathered?

A) To deliberate, to receive counsel and advice and to study the teachings of our Fraternity so we can become better leaders
The five core values of AKPsi are Integrity, Service, Unity, Brotherhood, and Knowledge.

Quiz 2 Pg. 1 by soggy_sage

The fraternity hazing policy:
a) No chapter shall conduct hazing activities.
b) There shall be no pre-initiation activities on the day or evening prior to the day of Court of Honor or Ritual Initiation that would cause persons to be physically or mentally fatigue.
c) At no time during pledge education is there to be verbal abuse of an individual, including shouting, screaming and the use of profanity.

The fraternity sexual harassment policy:
a) Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other sexually offensive verbal or physical contact will not be condoned or permitted, and may in fact be in violation of state and/or federal law.
b) The Fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional.

The fraternity alcohol policy:
a) No alcoholic beverages may be purchased using chapter, pledge class or fraternity funds
b) No alcohol shall be present at any pledge program
c) No “drinking games” shall be permitted
d) No member or pledge shall purchase alcohol for a minor
e) The possession, sale or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited.

The minimum number of chapter meetings required per month is 2.

The governing documents of the fraternity and our chapter are the Constitution & Statutory Code and Board of Directors’ Statements of Policy.

The minimum length of the pledge process is five weeks. Ours is nine weeks.

Two initiations are required per academic year. One in the fall, one in the spring.

A member may miss two meetings, unexcused, per semester.

Quorum is necessary to run chapter meetings. Quorum is 50% of the chapter + 1 person.

Misc Part 2 by soggy_sage

Two initiations are required per academic year. One in the fall, one in the spring.
A member may miss two meetings, unexcused, per semester.
Quorum is necessary to run chapter meetings. Quorum is 50% of the chapter + 1 person.

Misc Part 1 by soggy_sage

The minimum number of chapter meetings required per month is 2.
The governing documents of the fraternity and our chapter are the Constitution & Statutory Code and Board of Directors’ Statements of Policy.
The minimum length of the pledge process is five weeks. Ours is nine weeks.

Untitled by user109793

One of the most barbaric events in history was the Holocaust, which spanned from 1933 to 1945.

It was a complex and multifaceted event, with several causes that came together to lead to the systematic killing of Jews by Nazis and their collaborators.

Arguably, the most significant cause of the Holocaust was prevailing anti-semitism in Europe, particularly in Germany, which dated back 2000 years and laid the groundwork for the widespread acceptance of discriminatory practices against Jews.

This was exacerbated by Hitler’s long-term political ideologies and his belief in the racial inferiority of Jews.

A consequential short-term cause was the role and nature of the Nazi Racial State from 1933 to 1945.

Ultimately, the immediate catalyst was World War II, which began in 1939 and ended in 1945, that provided both the cover and the opportunity for mass extermination.

Misc P1 by soggy_sage

The minimum number of chapter meetings required per month is 2.
The governing documents of the fraternity and our chapter are the Constitution & Statutory Code and Board of Directors’ Statements of Policy.

The minimum length of the pledge process is five weeks. Ours is nine weeks.

Two initiations are required per academic year. One in the fall, one in the spring.

A member may miss two meetings, unexcused, per semester.

Quorum is necessary to run chapter meetings. Quorum is 50% of the chapter + 1 person.

The fraternity hazin by soggy_sage

a) No chapter shall conduct hazing activities.
b) There shall be no pre-initiation activities on the day or evening prior to the day of Court of Honor or Ritual Initiation that would cause persons to be physically or mentally fatigue.
c) At no time during pledge education is there to be verbal abuse of an individual, including shouting, screaming and the use of profanity.

The fraternity sexua by soggy_sage

The fraternity sexual harassment policy:
a) Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other sexually offensive verbal or physical contact will not be condoned or permitted, and may in fact be in violation of state and/or federal law.
b) The Fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional.

Deutschland by user109771

Du (du hast, du hast, du hast, du hast)
Hast viel geweint (geweint, geweint, geweint, geweint)
Im Geist getrennt (getrennt, getrennt, getrennt, getrennt)
Im Herz vereint (vereint, vereint, vereint, vereint)
Wir (wir sind, wir sind, wir sind, wir sind)
Sind schon sehr lang zusammen (ihr seid, ihr seid, ihr seid, ihr seid)
Dein Atem kalt (so kalt, so kalt, so kalt, so kalt)
Das Herz in Flammen (so heiß, so heiß, so heiß, so heiß)
Du (du kannst, du kannst, du kannst, du kannst)
Ich (ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß)
Wir (wir sind, wir sind, wir sind, wir sind)
Ihr (ihr bleibt, ihr bleibt, ihr bleibt, ihr bleibt)
mein Herz in Flammen
Will dich lieben und verdammen
(Deutschland) dein Atem kalt
So jung und doch so alt
Ich (du hast, du hast, du hast, du hast)
Ich will dich nie verlassen (du weinst, du weinst, du weinst, du weinst)
Man kann dich lieben (du liebst, du liebst, du liebst, du liebst)
Und will dich hassen (du hasst, du hasst, du hasst, du hasst)
Überheblich, überlegen
Übernehmen, übergeben
Überraschen, überfallen
Deutschland, Deutschland über allen
mein Herz in Flammen
Will dich lieben und verdammen
(Deutschland) dein Atem kalt
So jung und doch so alt
deine Liebe
Ist Fluch und Segen
(Deutschland) meine Liebe
Kann ich dir nicht geben
Du (übermächtig, überflüssig)
Ich (Übermenschen, überdrüssig)
Wir (wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen)
Ihr (Deutschland, Deutschland über allen)
dein Herz in Flammen
Will dich lieben und verdammen
(Deutschland) mein Atem kalt
So jung und doch so alt
deine Liebe
Ist Fluch und Segen
(Deutschland) meine Liebe
Kann ich dir nicht geben

UTSM by user109362

The scientific method has helped us in knowing the causes of diseases and their prevention. It has also enabled us to make life-saving drugs.

Today, city streets are paved, well-drained, and cleaned regularly. Garbage and sewage are properly disposed of. A hundred years ago, streets were unpaved, poorly drained, and refuse was thrown into the streets, so sanitary conditions are much better now.

In villages today, drainage is poor, outdoor toilets are common, and streets are unpaved. To improve them, awareness about sanitation and its health benefits should be promoted.

The scientific method has increased food production and helped preserve food through modern methods of selecting, grading, and processing.

We are less fearful than our ancestors because we have abandoned superstitions. Our ancestors were afraid of things like black cats, broken mirrors, and the number 13.

The scientific method has made us reasonable by showing that every event has a logical explanation, helping us overcome old fears.

In the past, astrology played an important role in people's lives. They would consult astrologists before significant events like marriages.

Even today, some people believe in charms and other superstitions. These beliefs influence their lives according to how much faith they place in them.

Two hundred years ago, survival rates were much lower, with seven out of eight babies dying before their first birthday.

Attitude refers to the way we feel and think about an idea or event.

Superstitions are beliefs based on fear, like black cats, broken mirrors, and the number 13.

In the past, thrifty housewives preserved food by canning, pickling, drying vegetables and fruits, or salting and drying meats, sometimes freezing them.

The scientific method has improved our lives by solving health issues, increasing food production and preservation, and bringing positive changes to our attitude.

The purpose of this lesson is to show how the scientific method has improved living conditions and altered attitudes.

using the scientific by user109362

1. The scientific method has helped us in knowing the causes of diseases and their prevention. It has also enabled us to make life-saving drugs.

2. Today, city streets are paved, well-drained, and cleaned regularly. Garbage and sewage are properly disposed of. A hundred years ago, streets were unpaved, poorly drained, and refuse was thrown into the streets, so sanitary conditions are much better now.

3. In villages today, drainage is poor, outdoor toilets are common, and streets are unpaved. To improve them, awareness about sanitation and its health benefits should be promoted.

4. The scientific method has increased food production and helped preserve food through modern methods of selecting, grading, and processing.

5. We are less fearful than our ancestors because we have abandoned superstitions. Our ancestors were afraid of things like black cats, broken mirrors, and the number 13.

6. The scientific method has made us reasonable by showing that every event has a logical explanation, helping us overcome old fears.

7. In the past, astrology played an important role in people's lives. They would consult astrologists before significant events like marriages.

8. Even today, some people believe in charms and other superstitions. These beliefs influence their lives according to how much faith they place in them.

9. Two hundred years ago, survival rates were much lower, with seven out of eight babies dying before their first birthday.

10. Attitude refers to the way we feel and think about an idea or event.

11. Superstitions are beliefs based on fear, like black cats, broken mirrors, and the number 13.

12. In the past, thrifty housewives preserved food by canning, pickling, drying vegetables and fruits, or salting and drying meats, sometimes freezing them.

13. The scientific method has improved our lives by solving health issues, increasing food production and preservation, and bringing positive changes to our attitude.

14. The purpose of this lesson is to show how the scientific method has improved living conditions and altered attitudes.

The fraternity alcoh by soggy_sage

The fraternity alcohol policy:
a) No alcoholic beverages may be purchased using chapter, pledge class or fraternity funds
b) No alcohol shall be present at any pledge program
c) No “drinking games” shall be permitted
d) No member or pledge shall purchase alcohol for a minor
e) The possession, sale or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited.

K Test 3 by user109725

The mission of the United States Air Force is to Fly, Fight, and Win... Airpower anytime, anywhere.

The United States Air Force will be a reliable and trusted joint partner with our sister services known for integrity in all activities, including supporting the joint mission first and foremost. We will provide compelling airpower capabilities for employment by the combatant commanders. We will excel as stewards of all Air Force resources in service to the American people, while providing precise and reliable Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power for the Nation.

The United States Space Force is responsible for securing our Nation's interests in, from, and to space. In space, through space superiority activities that protect the joint force and nation from space and counterspace threats. From space, by delivering global mission objectives like satellite communications, positioning, navigation, and timing, and missile warning activities. To space, by assured space access through the service's launch, range, and control network infrastructure.

Leadership is a gift. It's given by those who follow. You have to be worthy of it.

Chief Master Sergeant David A. Flosi

Chief Master Sergeant John F. Bentivegna

Chief Master Sergeant Matthew R.D. King

E-4B NAOC, Boeing, Airborne Operations Center, 1980, 523 KIAS, 112, and 4.

F-15C Eagle, McDonnell Douglas, Air Superiority Fighter, 1974, Mach 2.4, 1, and 249.

F-15E Strike Eagle, Boeing, Multirole Fighter, 1988, Mach 2.5, 2, 219.

F-16C/D Fighting Falcon, Lockheed Martin, Multirole Fighter, 1979, Mach 2.05, 1, 1017.

F-22A Raptor, Lockheed Martin, Air Dominance/Multi-Role Fighter, 2002, Mach 2.25, 1, 183.

F-35A Lighting II, Lockheed Martin, Multirole Fighter, 2011, Mach 1.5, 1, 302.

CV-22A Osprey, Bell Helicopter/Boeing, Special Operations Long Range, 240 KIAS, 4, 49.

HH-60G Pave Hawk, Sikorsky, Special Operations/Personnel Recovery, 1982, 160 KIAS, 4, 99.

UH-1N Huey, Bell Helicopter/Textron Inc., Airlift, 1970, 115 KIAS, 3, 59.