
Cucumbers by wishpath

Cucumbers couple affected slice skin.

Пс 111 by user73629

Блажен муж, боящийся Господа и крепко любящий заповеди Его.
Сильно будет на земле семя его; род правых благословится.
Обилие и богатство в доме его, и правда его пребывает вовек.
Во тьме восходит свет правым; благ он и милосерд и праведен.
Добрый человек милует и взаймы дает; он даст твердость словам своим на суде.
Он вовек не поколеблется; в вечной памяти будет праведник.
Не убоится худой молвы: сердце его твердо, уповая на Господа.
Утверждено сердце его: он не убоится, когда посмотрит на врагов своих.
Он расточил, роздал нищим; правда его пребывает во веки; рог его вознесется во славе.
Нечестивый увидит это и будет досадовать, заскрежещет зубами своими и истает. Желание нечестивых погибнет.

Пс. 112 by user73629

Хвалите, рабы Господни, хвалите имя Господне.
Да будет имя Господне благословенно отныне и вовек.
От восхода солнца до запада да будет прославляемо имя Господне.
Высок над всеми народами Господь; над небесами слава Его.
Кто, как Господь, Бог наш, Который, обитая на высоте,
приклоняется, чтобы призирать на небо и на землю;
из праха поднимает бедного, из брения возвышает нищего,
чтобы посадить его с князьями, с князьями народа его;
неплодную вселяет в дом матерью, радующеюся о детях? Аллилуия!

firefighters39 by wishpath

people Firefighters work station. (water truck, road right-of-way

wonderland49 by wishpath

from here?" good don't walk," long Alice -Lewis Carroll,

woderland47 by wishpath

"Would where Alice. doesn't said -Lewis Carroll,

wonderland by wishpath

said doesn't -Lewis Alice's

wonderland by wishpath

please, here?" "That good much care said doesn't walk," said -Lewis

judicial by wishpath

Court highest must approved 51 lower Federal

judicial by wishpath

Court highest must appproved 51 lower Federal

profit by wishpath

$40 (revenue). $50, much $10. 50 This 40 much 10.

global warming by user12003

global warming is the cumulative rise in average global temperatures on earth measured over a long period it has been attributed to the long period it has been attributed to the large scale deforestation by man for different purposes we consume a lot fuel annually with an increase in the human purposes we consume a lot of fuel annually with an increases in the human population it has become impossible to meet peoples fuel requirements natural resources are limited and we must use them judiciously if we exploit natural

Typing Assessment by richardoteach

Learning to type is a valuable skill for everyone in today’s world. Typing allows us to use computers, write assignments, send emails, and even chat with friends. Good typing habits include sitting upright, keeping both feet flat on the floor, and using all ten fingers. Starting with the “home row keys” helps you build speed and accuracy over time. These keys A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and the semicolon are where your fingers should rest.

When you type, try to focus on the screen instead of looking down at the keyboard. At first, this might feel hard, but it gets easier with practice. Typing slowly and carefully is better than rushing and making mistakes. With time, you’ll type faster and without errors. Remember, every good typist started just like you taking small steps and practicing every day.

The keyboard has many different parts to explore. Besides the letters, you’ll find the space bar, the shift key, and the enter key. The space bar adds spaces between words, while the shift key lets you type capital letters or symbols. Pressing the enter key helps you move to a new line when writing. Understanding how these keys work will make typing easier and more fun for you.

In the future, being a fast and accurate typist will help you in school and at work. Whether you are writing essays, programming computers, or designing creative projects, typing is a skill you’ll use often. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. So keep your hands steady, focus on the screen, and do your best. You are on your way to becoming a typing expert!

tornado by wishpath

occur Alley term Alley 1952

mexico by wishpath

U.S.-Canadian consists three people

mexico by wishpath

U.S.-Canadian people their

internet by wishpath

1) STRANGER, 2) Never, 3) 4) download, 5) 6)

French Test Writing by mody

La technologie aide a parler.
On peut voir des amis loin.
Les ordinateurs aident a travailler.
Les telephones donnent des infos.
La technologie aide a apprendre.
Mais elle coute beaucoup.
Les ecrans font mal aux yeux.
Les jeux video prennent du temps.
Les reseaux sociaux peuvent faire peur.
La technologie est bien et pas bien.

Untitled by user111023

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

all by coldwin

[topic] has become a widely debated issue in today's world. While some individuals strongly support it, others completely oppose its significance. In my opinion, [topic] have more positive effects than negative ones globally. To begin with, there are several reasons to support this belief. The most notable advantage is that [pos]. For example, a study conducted by the University of Sydney highlights that [pos]. Additionally, [pos] is another compelling reason. This ensures [pos]. On the contrary, critics argue that [topic] also have notable drawbacks. One of the most significant disadvantages is [neg]. For instance, research conducted by the University of New York reveals that [neg]. Furthermore, [neg] may also create challenges, such as [neg]. In conclusion, while [topic] may have certain negative aspects, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the effective use of [topic] while minimising its misuse. By doing so, [topic] can become a more constructive and beneficial part of our lives.