Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Word List 2 by barron

abrade /uh-brayd/ v. wear away by friction; scrape. The sharp rocks abraded the skin on her legs, so she put iodine in her abrasions.
abridge /uh-brij/ v. condense or shorten. Because the publishers felt the public wanted a shorter version of War and Peace, they proceeded to abridge the novel.
abscond /uhb-skaand/ v. depart secretly and hide. The teller who absconded with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on "America's Most Wanted."
absolve /uhb-zaalv/ v. pardon an offense. The father confessor absolved him of his sins.
abstain /uhb-stayn/ v. refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action. After considering the effect of alcohol on his athletic performance, he decided to abstain from drinking while he trained for the race.
abstemious /ab-stee-mee-uhs/ adj. sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. Concerned whether her vegetarian son's abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him.
abstruse /uhb-stroos/ adj. obscure; profound. She carries around abstruse works of philosophy, not because she understands them but because she wants her friends to think she does.
abusive /uh-byoo-siv/ adj. coarsely insulting; physically harmful. An abusive parent damages a child both mentally and physically.
abysmal /uh-biz-muhl/ adj. bottomless. His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance.
academic /a-kuh-deh-muhk/ adj. related to a school; not practical or directly useful. The dean's talk about reforming the college admission system was only an academic discussion: we knew little, if anything, would change.
accelerate /uhk-seh-lr-ayt/ v. move faster. In our science class, we learn how falling bodies accelerate.
accessible /uhk-seh-suh-bl/ adj. easy to approach; obtainable. We asked our guide whether the ruins were accessible on foot.

Word List 1 by barron

abase /uh-bays/ v. humiliate. Defeated, Queen Zenobia was forced to abase herself before the conquering Romans, who made her march in chains before the emperor in the procession celebrating his triumph.
abate /uh-bayt/ v. subside; decrease. Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate.
abdicate /ab-duh-kayt/ v. renounce; give up. When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry the woman he loved, he surprised the entire world.
aberrant /uh-beh-ruhnt/ adj. abnormal. Given the aberrant nature of the data, we doubted the validity of the entire experiment.
abeyance /uh-bay-uhns/ n. suspended action. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival.
abject /ab-jekt/ adj. wretched, lacking pride. On the streets of New York the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.
ablution /uh-bloo-shn/ n. washing. His daily ablution were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled "Opera in the Bath."
abolish /uh-baa-luhsh/ v. put an end to. The president of the college refused to abolish the physical education requirement.
aboriginal /a-br-i-juh-nuhl/ adj. being the first of its kind in a region; primitive. Her studies of the primitive art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals.

Foundational F by phantomguapera

f r f f v f frf fvf frf fvf frf fvf f r f v f r f v f r f v frf fvf frf fvf frf fvf fgf fgf fgf fgf ftf ftf ftf ftf fbf fbf fbf fbf friend fright fluff frag frill front off tuff griff muff fluff fringe fry flubber frf fvf f r f v f

building scnd brain by puzzlled

What Is Building a Second Brain About?
Building a Second Brain is about how to capture, remember, and benefit from the vast quantities of information around us by building a personal system for knowledge management.

The Five Big Ideas
Capture only the ideas and insights we think are truly noteworthy.
Organize your notes for action, according to the active projects you are working on right now.
Turn the ideas you capture and organize them into your own message.
Draw on the material you distill and use it to express your own point of view.
Highlight the main points of each note, and then highlight the main points of those highlights to distill the essence of a note in several “layers.”
Building a Second Brain Summary
Information lies at the heart of everything we do. Yet, in today’s digital age, where the world’s knowledge is more accessible than ever, we’re paralyzed with indecision about where to focus our attention.

We need to manage information more effectively to get ahead and arm ourselves with the knowledge that will help us achieve our biggest, most audacious goals. We need, what Forte calls, a Second Brain.

What Is a Second Brain?
A Second Brain is a digital commonplace book. Part study notebook, part notebook, and part sketchbook for new ideas, a second brain is a private knowledge collection designed to serve a lifetime of learning and growth.

If you’re a knowledge worker—a professional for whom your knowledge is your most valuable asset—your knowledge is the basis for regularly coming up with ideas, solving problems, and communicating effectively with others.

Notetaking, says Forte, is one such way of storing knowledge:

For modern, professional notetaking, a note is a “knowledge building block”—a discrete unit of information interpreted through your unique perspective and stored outside your head.

If a piece of content has been interpreted through your lens, curated according to your taste, translated into your own words, or drawn from your life experience, and stored in a secure place, then it qualifies as a note.

How a Second Brain Works
There are four essential capabilities that we can rely on a Second Brain to perform for us:

Making our ideas concrete. An idea, in its infancy, is abstract. But when we turn an idea into a visual entity, such as a digital note, we can begin to move it from abstract to concrete.
Revealing new associations between ideas. Formulating ideas is easier when we connect ideas. By keeping all our ideas in one place, we can inspire creativity and bridge gaps in our knowledge.
Incubating our ideas over time. When we go beyond relying on ideas we can only think of right now, we draw on weeks, months, or even years of accumulated imagination.
Sharpening our unique perspectives. All too often, our creative wells run dry, not because of something wrong with us, but because we don’t yet have enough raw materials to work with.
Digital notes apps have four powerful characteristics that make them ideal for building a Second Brain. They are:

There are three stages of progress Forte often observes—and even encourages—as people set out on their Second Brain journey. Those stages are remembering, connecting, and creating.

The first way people use their Second Brain is as a memory aid. The second way that people use their Second Brain is to connect ideas. The third and final way that people use their Second Brain is to create new things.

To help guide people in creating a Second Brain, Forte has developed a simple, intuitive four-part method called “CODE”—Capture; Organize; Distill; Express—which he explains throughout the remaining chapters.

Capture—Keep What Resonates
Knowledge is everywhere, waiting to be discovered. But knowledge isn’t limited to the pages of didactic pursuits or academic journals. Forte writes, “Knowledge capture is about mining the richness of the reading you’re already doing and the life you’re already living.”

Capturing a knowledge asset—anything that we can use in the future to solve a problem, save time, illuminate a concept, or learn from a past experience—can help spark new creative ideas and realization in your inner world.

To help inform knowledge worth collecting and preserving, Forte suggests writing down your “Twelve Favorite Problems,” inspired by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.

“You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind,” Feynman told one interviewer. “Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps.”

A few examples of favorite problems from Forte’s past students include,

How can we make society fairer and more equitable?
How can I make it a habit to exercise every day?
How can I have closer relationships with the people I love?
How can I spend more of my time doing high-value work?
How do I live less in the past and more in the present?
How do I build an investment strategy that is aligned with my mid-term and long-term goals and commitments?
What does it look like to move from mindless consumption to mindful creation?
How can I go to bed early instead of watching shows after the kids go to bed?
How can my industry become more ecologically sustainable while remaining profitable?
How can I work through the fear I have of taking on more responsibility?
How can my school provide more resources for students with special needs?
How do I start reading all the books I already have instead of buying more?
How can I speed up and relax at the same time?
How can we make the healthcare system more responsive to people’s needs?
What can I do to make eating healthily easier?
How can I make decisions with more confidence?
One of the biggest pitfalls of capturing digital notes, says Forte, is saving too much and risking inundating your future self with tons of irrelevant information. To help decide which nuggets of knowledge are worth keeping, ask yourself the following:

Does it inspire me?
Is it useful
Is it personal?
Is it surprising?
Organize—Save for Actionability
Forte found that most organization systems, while well-meaning, complicated his life and kept him from his priorities. One day, after realizing the ease behind dropping all his notes and files into a folder for which project he was focusing on, he made his own organization system called PARA, which stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives.

Projects are short-term efforts in your work or life that you’re working on, such as projects at work (complete webpage design) or personal projects (finish Spanish language course). Areas are the long-term responsibilities you want to manage over time (e.g., “Finances”). Resources are topics or interests that may be useful in the future but don’t belong to a project or an area. Archives are inactive items from the other three categories, including completed or canceled projects, areas of responsibility that you are no longer committed to maintaining, and resources that are no longer relevant.

Here’s how Forte explains PARA in his own words,

PARA can handle it all, regardless of your profession or field, for one reason: it organizes information based on how actionable it is, not what kind of information it is.

Forte expands on this idea by comparing PARA and how kitchens are organized. Everything in a kitchen is designed and organized to support an outcome, not by kind of food. Everything in PARA, by contrast, must be organized according to where ideas are going (i.e., the outcomes they can help you realize), not where they came from.

Distill—Find the Essence
The third step of Forte’s CODE model, Distill, is about taking the ideas we’ve captured and organized and turning them into our own messages. To do that, we need to highlight our notes’ most important points to improve their discoverability—the ease behind how quickly we can access the specific points that are most immediately useful. (Forte adds at the conclusion of the chapter that a true test of whether a note you’ve created is discoverable is whether you can get the gist of it at a glance.)

The technique Forte teaches to distill notes down to their most important points is called “Progressive Summarization,” which involves taking the raw notes you’ve captured and organized and distilling them into usable material that can directly inform a current project.

Here’s how Forte explains Progressive Summarization,

The technique is simple: you highlight the main points of a note and then highlight the main points of those highlights, and so on, distilling the essence of a note in several “layers.” Each of these layers uses a different kind of formatting so you can easily tell them apart.

The first layer comprises the chunks of text initially captured in your notes. But to enhance the discoverability of a note, you need to a second later of distillation: bold the main points within the note. That might include keywords that provide hints of what the text is about, phrases that capture what the original author was trying to say, or sentences that especially resonate with you.

However, it’s sometimes worth adding a third layer of emphasis using the “highlighting” feature in your notetaking app for notes that are especially long, interesting, or valuable.

For the final layer, reserved only for the very few truly unique and valuable sources, you can add an “executive summary” at the top of the note with a few bullet points summarizing the article in your own words.

To borrow a meta example, you might have noticed that I’ve used the second layer, bolding, throughout this book summary. For a more in-depth example, here’s how I use Progressive Summarization to improve the discoverability of a book summary in Notion:

Progressive Summarization for Atomic Habits
Forte concludes his chapter on distillation by offering a few guidelines to help avoid the three common pitfalls when highlighting your own notes:

Mistake #1: Over-Highlighting. A helpful rule of thumb is that each layer of highlighting should include no more than 10–20 percent of the previous layer.
Mistake #2: Highlighting Without a Purpose in Mind. The rule of thumb to follow is that every time you “touch” a note, you should make it a little more discoverable for your future self—by adding a highlight, a heading, some bullets, or commentary.
Mistake #3: Making Highlighting Difficult. Rely on your intuition to tell you when a passage is interesting, counterintuitive, or relevant to your favorite problems or current project.
Express—Show Your Work
Suppose we assume that creativity emerges not from flashes of brilliance but from the everyday efforts to gather and organize our influences. In that case, we can begin expressing our ideas earlier, more frequently, and in smaller chunks to test what works and gather feedback from others.

Our ideas—distilled notes, outtakes, work-in-process, final deliverables, documents created by others—are the concrete, individual building blocks (or Intermediate Packets, as Forte calls them) that we can create and reuse in our work.

Take planning a conference, to borrow an example from the book. You might think you have to plan such a mega-project from scratch. But if you look at its Intermediate Packets (IPs)—a conference agenda, a list of interesting breakout sessions, a checklist for streaming the keynote sessions, to name a few—you might realize that you could, instead, acquire or assemble each Packet from a previous event you attended.

In truth, creativity isn’t about copying or even modeling others. Rather, creativity is about tapping into the essential ideas you distilled in the previous step, Distill, and combining them into something new, perhaps even changing our trajectory in the process.

Of course, given the unpredictability between IPs we’ve saved in the past the future projects, there’s no single, perfectly reliable retrieval system for finding them when you need them. To help, Forte offers four retrieval methods we can use in our notetaking apps:

Retrieval Method #1: Search
Retrieval Method #2: Browsing
Retrieval Method #3: Tags
Retrieval Method #4: Serendipity
Additional Notes and Highlights

“We spend countless hours reading, listening to, and watching other people’s opinions about what we should do, how we should think, and how we should live, but make comparatively little effort applying that knowledge and making it our own. So much of the time we are ‘information hoarders; stockpiling endless amounts of well-intentioned content that only ends up increasing our anxiety.”
“To be able to make use of information we value, we need a way to package it up and send it through time to our future self. We need a way to cultivate a body of knowledge that is uniquely our own, so when the opportunity arises—whether changing jobs, giving a big presentation, launching a new product, or starting a business or a family—we will have access to the wisdom we need to make good decisions and take the most effective action. It all begins with the simple act of writing things down.”
“If a piece of content has been interpreted through your lens, curated according to your taste, translated into your own words, or drawn from your life experience, and stored in a secure place, then it qualifies as a note.”
To avoid information overload, keep only what resonates in a trusted place that you control and leave the rest aside.
“The best way to organize your notes is to organize for action, according to the active projects you are working on right now. Consider new information in terms of its utility, asking, ‘How is this going to help me move forward with one of my current projects?’”
“Every time you take a note, ask yourself, ‘How can I make this as useful as possible for my future self?’ That question will lead you to annotate the words and phrases that explain why you saved a note, what you were thinking, and what exactly caught your attention. Your notes will be useless if you can’t decipher them in the future or if they’re so long that you don’t even try. Think of yourself not just as a taker of notes, but as a giver of notes—you are giving your future self the gift of knowledge that is easy to find and understand.”

task 1 by user108271

experiences higher average
more variable
range from around
a relatively steady
In contrast
over the three decades
saw a decline
experienced growth
This slightly decreased
had risen again
, which slightly decreased
started at
eventually reaching
their trends differed
showed consistent growth
across all age groups
Change into
Turn into
Have been

a prosperous country
improvement of public facilities
equal prosperity.
social aid
financial burden
job creation
the necessity of
can be achieved
sufficient knowledge
in maintaining
struggle to control
which can lead to/ leading to
Feel/find difficult
support this view

Nepali by krish20241107

देश र जनताको हितमा उल्लेख्य नतिजा तब हासिल हुन सक्छ, जब सरकार स्थिर बन्न सक्छ।
असार महिनाको अन्तिम दिन देशले नयाँ सरकार पाएको छ। नेपाली आर्थिक वर्षको अन्तिम दिन बनेको सरकारले बनेको भोलिपल्टै नयाँ आर्थिक वर्षमा टेकेको छ। अब पुरानो मिलिजुली सरकारको पालामा बनेको बजेट नयाँ सरकारले आफ्नै ढंगले कार्यान्वयन गर्नु पर्नेछ। नयाँ सरकारका नयाँ साझेदार दलहरूले विकासको आफ्नो सोचअनुसार त्यसलाई परिस्कृत र परिमार्जित गर्दै अघि बढ्ने नै छ। नयाँ सरकारले शपथग्रहण गरेर कार्यभार सम्हाल्न नपाउँदै एउटा गहन प्रश्न मस्तिष्कमा उब्जिसकेको छ।

अब यो सरकारको आयु कति ? यसको स्थिरताको आधार के ? यस्तै यस्तै। फेरी पूर्वगठबन्धन सरकारले संसद्मा विश्वासको मत गुमाएको अवस्थामा संविधानको घारा ७६ (२) वा (३) अनुसार नयाँ सरकार गठन हुनुपर्ने भन्ने विषयले सर्वोच्च अदालतमा प्रवेश पाइसकेको छ। त्यसकारण पनि यो सरकारको आयु कति भन्ने प्रश्न सबै नेपालीजनको मनमा उठ्नु स्वाभाविक हो। त्यसमाथि विगतका सरकारहरूको अवस्था र नियतिले पनि यो प्रश्न उठ्नुमा बल मिलेको छ। बहुसंख्यक जनताको चाहना नेपालले पनि स्थायी सरकार पाओस् भन्ने नै छ, जुन स्वाभाविक पनि हो।

सरकार स्थिर हुनु एक हिसाबले देशको भविष्य सुनिश्चित हुनु पनि हो। योजना कार्यान्वयनको पक्ष कमजोर र अस्थिर भयो भने विकासको प्रतिफल पनि कमजोर बन्न जान्छ। विकास बिना सुख समृद्धि अकल्पनीय हुन्छ भने स्थिरता बिना विकास असम्भव। नेपालको करिब तीन दशक लामो लोकतान्त्रिक अभ्यासको दौरान बहुमतको एकमना सरकार दुर्लभ जस्तै हुन पुगेको छ। मिलिजुली सरकार हाम्रो बाध्यता बनेको छ। दोष कस्लाई दिने जनतालाई कि दलहरूलाई ? जे होस् बहुमतको एकमना सरकार गठनको सम्भावना नरहेपछि मिलिजुली सरकारको विकल्प रहने कुरै भएन। मिलिजुली सरकार चलाउनु पर्ने बाध्यकारी अवस्थामा सोहीअनुसारको व्यवहार, शैली, सोच र प्रवृत्ति हुनु पनि आवश्यक हुन्छ।

राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको नारालाई नारामै सीमित नराखौं। व्यवहारमा उतारौं। सरकारको र सरकारमा सामेल दलहरूले सहमति गरेको लक्षित समयसम्मका लागि भए पनि व्यावहारिक परराष्ट्र नीति, आर्थिक नीति, विकास रणनीति बनाऔं।
चुनावअघि जनतासामु गरिएका जुनसुकै भिन्नाभिन्नै दलीय वाचा हुन् अथवा जनतामाझ प्रस्तुत गरिएका फरकफरक घोषणापत्र, तिनलाई आधार मानेर मिलिजुली सरकार अथवा संयुक्त गठबन्धन सरकार चल्न सक्दैन। त्यसकारण मिलिजुली सरकारको स्थायित्वका लागि सर्वप्रथम सरकारको सामूहिक लक्ष्य हुनु पर्‍यो। तसर्थ सो लक्ष्य हासिल गर्न सबै दलबीच ऐक्यबद्धता हुनु अपरिहार्य हुन जान्छ। त्यसका लागि न्यूनतम साझा कार्यक्रम हुनु जरुरी हुन्छ। अनि ती साझा कार्यक्रमप्रति इमान्दारिता, ऐक्यबद्धता, विश्वास र एकमत हुनु पनि अत्यावश्यक हुन्छ। अलिकति त्याग अलिकति समर्पण पनि आवश्यक पर्छ। एक्लै देश बनाउँछु भनेर कसैले सक्दैन।

सबै मिलेर गर्नुपर्ने कामका लागि एकआपसमा विश्वास नभई हुँदैन। सरकार सामूहिक प्रयासको प्रतिफल हो, यसले दिने परिणाममा पनि सबैको साथ आवश्यक पर्छ। हाम्रा ठूला दलबीच एकआपसमा विश्वासको ठूलै संकट छ। ठूलो र गहिरो खाडलै छ। यति बिघ्न विश्वासको संकट किन र केका लागि ? नेपाल र नेपालीको उन्नति कुनै एक दलको मात्रै जिम्मा अवश्य हैन होला। सबै मिलेर देश बनाउने नै हो भने एकअर्कालाई लछार्नु पछार्नु पर्ने किन ? सरकारमा सामेल ठूला दलहरू एकले अर्कोलाई धोका दिएको अवस्थामा कस्तो पाइला चाल्ने भन्ने रणनीति तयार पार्दै बसेका होलान्।

सबै मिलेर देश बनाउने नै हो भने एकअर्कालाई लछार्नु पछार्नु पर्ने किन ?
सरकारबाट भर्खरै बाहिरिएको माओवादी केन्द्र दुई ठूला दल नेपाली कांग्रेस र नेकपा एमालेलाई फुटाएर आफू पुनः सरकारमा कसरी छिर्ने भनी रणनीति बनाउन व्यस्त भइसकेको होला। नेपाली कांग्रेस प्रधानमन्त्रीले धोका दिए माओवादी केन्द्रको फेरि साथ चाहिन्छ भन्ने सोच्दै होलान्। नेपाली कांग्रेसले धोका दिए सरकार टिकाउन पुनः माओवादी केन्द्रको साथ चाहिन्छ भन्ने जानेर सोहीअनुसार समदूरी कायम राख्नुपर्छ भन्ने सोचमा प्रधानमन्त्री होलान्। अन्य साना दलहरू यी ठूला दलहरूमा विश्वासको संकट भइञ्जेल हाम्रो अस्तित्व बाँकी रहने हो त्यसकारण ठूला दलहरू सधैं यसरी नै लड्दै–भिड्दै रहुन् भनी सोच्दै होलान्।

यसरी अघि बढ्दा देश र जनता चाहिँ सधैं छायाँमा ! के गर्नु ? यस्तै छ यहाँको चलन। जस्तो जे भए पनि नेताहरू आफ्नो भाषणमा देश र जनताको हितलाई सर्वोपरी मानेरै बोलिरहेका हुन्छन्। यदि साँच्चै देश र जनताप्रति त्यति साह्रो माया भएकै हो भने व्यवहारमा पनि त देखिनु पर्‍यो नि ! आफ्नो बोली वचनमा प्रतिबद्ध हुन सक्नुपर्‍यो। जे बोलेको हो सोहीअनुसार व्यवहार हुनुपर्‍यो। त्यसो भएको खण्डमा शंका, उपशंका गरी बस्नु नै पर्ने थिएन। नेपाली जनताले धेरै कुरा हेरिसके, जानिसके। नानाथरीका व्यवस्थाहरूको अनुभव गरिसके, भोगिसके। विभिन्न थरीका चुनावी गठबन्धनहरू हेरे। कति उथलपुथल व्यहोरे, कति थरीका मिसनहरू देखे। तर बाँकी छन् त केही हुने, केही पाउने आशा र भरोसा मात्रै।

राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको नारालाई नारामै सीमित नराखौं। व्यवहारमा उतारौं। सरकारको र सरकारमा सामेल दलहरूले सहमति गरेको लक्षित समयसम्मका लागि भए पनि व्यावहारिक परराष्ट्र नीति, आर्थिक नीति, विकास रणनीति बनाऔं। ताकी कुनै पनि स्वार्थी समूहहरू सल्बलाउन नपाउन्। देशको विकासको गति नबिथोलिऊन्। व्यक्तिगत र दलगत स्वार्थलाई पूर्ण रूपमा त्याग्नु पर्छ। जसले राष्ट्रिय सहमति सही अर्थमा लागू हुन सकोस्।

देश र जनताको हितमा उल्लेख्य नतिजा तब हासिल हुन सक्छ, जब सरकार स्थिर बन्न सक्छ। जस्तो जे भए पनि नयाँ सरकारको गठनले नयाँ आशा जगाएको छ। लाग्दै छ, अरू सरकारभन्दा यसको जग बलियो छ, यसको स्थिरताको आधार बलियो छ। सरकार स्थिर बनोस्, विकास र उन्नतिले बाटो लेओस्। यही छ कामना !

Transition to POL by smxaries

SITREP: Upon transition to POL of COI 1 at 1047Z, two adult males, one in dark traditional wear and one in white traditional wear with two PROB rifles and one PROB comms device were internal to COI 1.
One adult female and two children conducted chores on the S side of COI 1. SLANT 2/1/2 IA note: It was assessed that both adult males carried the two PROB rifles and PROB comms device into COI 1 due to manner of walk and imprint on clothing. ITC directed expedited calls on all adult males in COI 1 pending HAF infiltration.

STOP 3 by smxaries

STOP 3 (SAME AS START) / COI 1: At 1045Z, the white SUV stopped on the N side of COI 1 and both adult males exited their respective seats. Both adult males then entered the N side of COI 1. SLANT 2/0/0

STOP 2 CONT by smxaries

STOP 2 CONT: At 1036Z, both adult males entered their respective seats in the white SUV. The white SUV conducted a three-point turn and departed S. SLANT 2/0/0

STOP 2 CONT by smxaries

STOP 2 CONT: At 1031Z, the adult male in tan western wear was given the black briefcase by the adult male in dark traditional wear. The adult male in tan western wear then sat up and lifted up the blanket to present two PROB rifles and a PROB comms device. The adult male in white traditional wear retrieved the PROB comms device and one PROB rifle and the adult male in dark traditional wear retrieved one PROB rifle. Both adult males then hid the PROB rifles underneath their attire and departed W. The adult male in tan western wear then departed N with the black briefcase. SLANT 2/0/0

STOP 2 CONT by smxaries

STOP 2 CONT: At 1030Z, both adult males stopped at a ditch and sat down next to an already present adult male in tan western wear that laid on top of a blanket. The adult male in tan western wear greeted the two adult males. The adult male in dark traditional wear opened the black briefcase and presented it to the adult male in tan western wear. SLANT 3/0/0 IA note: ITC directed to maintain this stop under STOP 2. Contents of briefcase obscured due to sensor angle.

STOP 2 by smxaries

STOP 2 / ROADSIDE: At 1023Z, the white SUV stopped on the E side of the road. The adult male in dark traditional wear exited the front left and one previously unobserved adult male in white traditional wear exited the front right. The adult male in dark traditional wear retrieved the black briefcase from the trunk and both adult males walked E into a field. SLANT 2/0/0

PM delay cabinet by user108422

ISLAMABAD: An imp­ortant cabinet meeting, which was expected to consider the issue of banning the opposition PTI today (Tuesday), was postponed due to the prime minister’s “hectic schedule”, PM House sources said.

The meeting was called off on Monday even thou­­gh it had been reported that the apex body would deliberate upon the propo­sal that has become a thor­­ny issue for the ruling coalition.

Media reports sugges­ted the cabinet has been asked for approval of proceedings against former president Arif Alvi, former prime minister Imran Khan, and former NA deputy speaker Qasim Suri under Article 6 of the Constitution.

An official told Dawn that Prime Minister Sheh­baz Sharif has postponed the meeting due to his hectic schedule on Tuesday.

He said the meeting could now be held the next day (Wednesday).

The government has already announced plans to ban PTI from politics and try its leader for sedition, over charges of violating the Constitution.

Last week, Federal Mi­­nister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar told the media that PTI had been involved in anti-state activities since 2014 and was responsible for several deaths on different occasions, especially during protests against the government and state institutions.

The minister had blamed the rival party for the fatality that occurred during a peace rally, held in Bannu last week.

Published in Dawn, July 23rd, 2024

STOP 1 CONT by smxaries

STOP 1 CONT: At 1015Z, the white SUV departed N from underneath the overhang. SLANT 1/0/0

STOP 1 by smxaries

STOP 1 / GAS STATION: At 1012Z, the white SUV stopped underneath an overhang at a gas station. Further activity was building masked. SLANT 1/0/0

START by smxaries

START / COI 1: At 1006Z, The adult male in dark traditional wear kissed the adult female and the adult female entered the N side of COI 1. The adult male in dark traditional wear entered the front left of the white SUV. The white SUV then departed N. SLANT 1/0/0

POl 2 by smxaries

At 1005Z, the adult male in dark traditional wear gestured towards the N side of COI 1 and the adult female entered the N side of COI 1. The two children stopped playing and entered the S side of COI 1. The adult female exited the N side of COI 1 with a black briefcase and handed it to the adult male in dark traditional wear. The adult male then placed the black briefcase in the trunk of the white SUV. SLANT 1/1/2

POl 1 by smxaries

At 1002Z, one previously unobserved adult male in dark traditional wear exited the N side of COI 1 and utilized a PROB comms device at the rear of the white SUV. The adult female concluded her chores on the W side and walked to the N side to greet the adult male in dark traditional wear. The adult male in dark traditional wear and the adult female then conversed. SLANT 1/1/2

ON TGT / SITREP 2 by smxaries

ON TGT / SITREP: Upon arrival to COI 1 at 1000Z, one adult female conducted chores on the W side and two children played on the S side. One white SUV was parked on the N side. SLANT 0/1/2

Hard Spelling by manojpatel_97

Efflorescence Forfeit Commemorate trespass argument Aquiescence Desiccate Jewellery Embarrassment Satellite Distillery Occasion Intelligentsia Commensurate Variegated Sustenance Exemplary Sabotage Brethren Exaggerate Rapprochement Leisure Advisable Puerile Afforestation Utterance Entrepreneur supersede Perseverance Sovereignty Septuagenarian Paralleled Tranquility Alliteration Chauffeur Etiquette Benefitted superintendent giraffe colleague Lieutenant Accommodation Occurrence Amateur Indispensable Knickers Overseer Erratic Resemblance Subsidiary Parachute Miscellaneous Sergeant Repercussion Referring Pageant Vacillate Archaeology Photostat Idiocy Exuberant Picaresque Impertinent Semblance Instantaneous Recuperate Besiege Entirety Scenery Exhilarate Scintillating Anomaly Misdemeanour Bereavement Ineffable Tableau Melieu Sepulchre Coercion Discrepancy Conscientious Convener Renaissance Irreparable Agrarian Conversant Endeavour mercenary discretion immediately immense privilege coincidence whether ancestor calibrate calibri callous buffalo lair maintenance maneuver perspicacious pantomime tranquility liaison concocter quintessence scarcity aneurysm mountainous pontifical stagnation aggression reconnaissance antiseptic disorientation calibration defiance circumlocution fotuitous grotesque prescience abstinence ancestral hemorrhage merriment distinguish accumulate auspicious interesting irreparable majestic machinery serendipity hierarchy predilection discrepancy alleviate acquaintance resplendence vacuum translucent aggrandizement kaleidoscope arrangement correspondent corrigendum assassination diffusion antecedent expedient enthusiasm apartheid tuition contingency lusciousness lavatory chrysanthemum chastisement conflagration accompany accessable flaccid hilarious zealot merchandise desperate impasse intermittent interference acclamation admirability archipelago retinue affectionate assiduous neolithic nostalgia nocturnal tincture thwart souvenir stirrup anesthetic invertebrate impertinence nervousness detonation deliquescence penultimate perpituity cautiously subterranean stupefaction interstellar insectivorous reconciliation palliation adolescence denunciation acceleration accessory turquoise grandiose obsolescing ludicrous Alienate Psychology accessible cigarette sedentary commentary commission scripture gorilla passenger tariff grammatical blissful satellite committee possession grievance belligerent corrupt dialectic achievement Bouquet budget heterogenous Foreigner Adulteration collaboration accurate forecast calibration advisable noticeable changeable courageous peaceable commission harassment embarrassment skilful fulfill pitiable arrangement cemetery veterinary commander commitment recommend correspondent mathematics financier benefitted temperament homeopathy omission aerodrome apprentice millennium catalogue obsession allottee separable Hindrance Rehearsal Cancellation assassination millionaire equanimity fabulous accomplish simultaneous tournament tomorrow neighbour guarantee parliamentary temperature recommendation Fahrenheit career restaurant synchronize deceive conceive perceive achieve suitable conference height niece explanation courtesy balloon conqueror boundary until howl ascend battalion sponsor aggression writing believe relieve grieve admirer almighty bulletin potassium magnificent maintenance mischievous colony immense written discipline humiliation personnel secretary anniversary kilometer sergeant homogeneous pastime government grateful handkerchief affinity alright forsake daffodil ambassador guidance judgement beginning stopping opening description headquarters suppress aeroplane annually cerebral counterfeit inaugurate lieutenant vehicle definition hindrance psychiatrist proclamation trigonometry stampede jaundice javelin sculptor formidable dietitian laundry elementary momentary intention mercenary seize missionary gynecology hypochondria itinerary submitted admitted committed brilliant courier contestant renunciation granary luminary visionary collaborate corroborate collocate receipt recitation remittance sanguinary apology appropriate associate integrate sufficient magnificent commerce preparation narration irrelevant spontaneous woolen immerse dissolute chronology perseverance fallacious delicious existence occurrence persistence dependence subservient sovereign sponsorship precision exploitation delinquency frequency omitted humorous gazette villain manageable meadow martyr marriageable mosquito merriment discretion familiar melancholy coincidence monitor inedible ninth October clarify forehead messenger grammar generosity disease superfluous pharmaceutical refrigerator suppressor spectacular occurrence bureaucratic disastrous cruelty requirement proficient suffered confident transferred deferred referred